28 bio

Cards (28)

  • Eukaryotes consist of Plant, Animal, Fungus kingdoms, and Protists which refer to all other eukaryotes
  • Eukaryotes arose from Archaea or Archaea-like ancestors in the early Proterozoic, 2.5 to 2 bya
  • Key features of eukaryotes include:
    • DNA in LINEAR chromosomes
    • Histone proteins inherited from a common ancestor with Archaea, allowing control of gene expression
    • Nucleus with a double membrane surrounding genetic material
    • Endomembrane system giving rise to organelles such as ER, Golgi, lysosomes, and peroxisomes
    • Well-developed cytoskeleton permitting complex cell shapes
    • Mitochondria
    • Ribosomes 80 S
  • Proposed origin of endomembrane system by infolding of plasma membrane
  • Ancient α-proteobacteria evolved a way to use O2 for oxidative respiration, leading to aerobic respiration
  • Eukaryotes acquired the ability to carry out oxidative respiration through endosymbiosis with α-proteobacteria
  • Mitochondria evolved from endosymbiotic α-proteobacteria within eukaryotic cells
  • Evidence that mitochondria evolved from symbiotic bacteria:
    • Circular DNA with gene sequences similar to bacteria
    • Bacterial-type (70 S) ribosomes
    • 2 membranes similar to prokaryotes
    • Division through binary fission
  • All known eukaryote lineages inherited mitochondria from endosymbiotic α-proteobacterium through horizontal gene transfer
  • Origin of key features in eukaryotes:
    • DNA in LINEAR chromosomes
    • Histone proteins inherited from a common ancestor with Archaea
    • Nucleus with a double membrane
    • Endomembrane system giving rise to organelles
    • Well-developed cytoskeleton
    • Ribosomes 80 S
    • Evolution of mitochondria
    • Evolution of primary plastids (chloroplasts)
  • All eukaryote lineages have oxygen-generating photosynthesis occurring in plastids (chloroplasts)
  • Origin of photosynthesis in eukaryotes:
    • Light-harvesting reactions on thylakoid membranes inside plastids
    • Fixation of CO2 into glucose in the surrounding stroma
  • Origin of the first chloroplast involved an amoeboid eukaryote ingesting a cyanobacterium that persisted as an endosymbiont
  • Contemporary examples of eukaryotes hosting cyanobacterial endosymbionts include Fungus Geosiphon and sponges
  • Origin of the first chloroplast:
    • Amoeboid eukaryote evolves increasing interdependence with endosymbiont over time
    • Most genes passed to host nucleus
    • Encoded proteins acquire signal sequence enabling transport back into symbiont
    • Endosymbiont eventually becomes an integral part of the host cell
  • Primary plastids (chloroplast) evolved from endosymbiotic cyanobacterium
  • Primary plastids of single origin occur in Archaeplastida:
    • Glaucophyte algae
    • Red algae
    • Green algae & land plants
    • Independent origin of primary plastid in Rhizarian Paulinella recently demonstrated
  • Evidence that primary plastids originated from formerly independent cyanobacteria:
    • Plastids have their own DNA, circular chromosome, gene sequences similar to cyanobacteria
    • Have their own ribosomes (70S type, like bacteria)
    • Both membranes biochemically similar to cyanobacterial membranes
    • Divide by a process resembling bacterial binary fission
  • Glaucohytes (Archaeplastida):
    • Few species of microscopic freshwater algae
    • Plastid pigments: chlorophyll a, phycobilins
    • Cellulose cell wall
    • Plastids surrounded by thin peptidoglycan layer between the two membranes
  • Secondary plastids:
    • Evolved from an endosymbiotic, eukaryotic alga (green or red) with a primary plastid
    • Typically have three or four surrounding membranes
  • Secondary plastids derived from red algal endosymbiont:
    • Stramenopile, Alveolate, Haptista & Cryptista plastids
    • Euglenids and Chlorarachniophytes have plastids derived independently from green algal endosymbionts
  • In Chlorarachniophytes and Cryptophytes:
    • Plastid includes a remnant of the original endosymbiont nucleus called a nucleomorph
    • Nucleomorph has eukaryote DNA, surrounded by double membrane with pores
  • Contemporary cyanobacterium most closely related to source of all these plastids: freshwater Gloeomargarita lithophora
  • Eukaryote cytoskeleton provides finer control over cell shape compared to prokaryotes:
    • Microfilaments (actin & myosin)
    • Microtubules (tubulin)
    • Intermediate filaments
  • Functional significance of cell and body shape:
    • Organism uses resources and produces waste in proportion to its volume
    • Diffusion of food, oxygen, and waste products into and out of cells depends on surface area
    • Larger surface area to volume ratio means more efficient cell/organism
  • Maximizing surface area per volume:
    • Flattened and filamentous body forms maximize surface area per volume
  • Slime mold plasmodium:
    • 2-D gigantic cell moves over surfaces feeding on bacteria
  • Fungi:
    • 1-D filamentous growth within food resource maximizes surface in contact with food