Visual cliff: used to measure depth perception in infants, comprising of drop-off is covered by a sheet of glass, so that it is safe for the baby to crawl over
infants are born with domain-specific innate knowledge systems
four systems:
involving space
number sequence
object permanence
Infant-directed speech: language spoken with a higher pitch, slower tempo, and more exaggerated intonation than normal
simple words and sentences
Sensorimotor stage:
First of Piaget’d stages, 0-2 years old.
Infants construct an understanding of the world by coordinating sensory experiences with motoric actions
What is a major criticism of Piaget’s theory of object permanence?
Piaget tend to underestimate the abilities of children, as they can do more at an earlier age
Anot B error: tendency of infants to reach toward where an object was located earlier, rather that where the object was most recently hidden.
Substages in object permanence:
1 + 2) Passive expectations (0-4 months)
3) recovery of partially hidden objects (4-8 months)
4) retrieval of hidden objects, and A not B error (8-12 months)
5) failure to understand invisible displacement (12-18 months)