activity intolerance, level of activity, lung disease, pain
past medical history
Fam/Soc Hx
family/society history
review of system
Objective data: physical examination
Preparation: position, draping, timing during complete exam, cleaning stethoscope endpiece
Objective data: equipment needed
Inspect, palpation, percussion, ascultation
Inspect thoracic cage (posterior)
shape and configuration or chest wall, anteroposterior/transverse diameter, position patient takes to breathe, skin colour and condition
Inspect thoracic cage (anterior)
shape and configuration of chest wall, facial expression, level of consciousness, skin colour and condition, quality of respirations, rib interspaces, accessory muscles
Level of consciousness (LOC)
AVPU scale:
Alert: answers questions
Voice: responds to commands
Pain: responds to painful stimuli
Unresponsive: no response to voice or pain
no oxygen
no oxygen = hypoxia (brain starts to shut down)
Facial expression
calm and relaxed: easy breathing, focused on other things