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  • Etymology of Humanities:
    • "Humanities" comes from the Latin word "humanus" meaning refined, cultured, and human
    • Refined: Proper etiquette, decorum, being civilized, and socializing properly
    • Cultured: Adaptation to the environment, including social interaction and norms
    • Human: Having the nature of being a human
  • Human Nature:
    • Rational Being (with Intellect): Acting on logic rather than impulse or whimsy
    • Emotional Being (with Emotion - Capacity to Love): Being in control of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
    • Spiritual Being (with Body and Soul): Awareness of existence beyond the temporal world
    • Social/Relational Being: Deep need for real social connections
    • Freewill: Power of the human mind to choose a course of action
    • Freedom: Doing only what is good and right, responsible actions perpetuate freedom
  • Definition of Humanities:
    • Expression without words, such as painting, sculptures, dancing, etc.
    • Study of man's expression of feelings, thought, intuition, values, and ideas
    • Study of man's experience, goals, and aspirations, used to dramatize individual expressions
  • Importance of Studying Humanities:
    • Humanities are one of the oldest means of expression developed by man
    • Witness to human evolution physically and culturally
    • Humanities have existed before the term was coined, showcasing human expression and civilization
  • Aim of Humanities:
    • Medieval Age: Dealt with the metaphysics of the religious philosopher, investigating ultimate reality
    • Renaissance Period: To enrich man, as art was previously limited to the rich
    • 19th and 20th Century: To appreciate and understand the importance of human beings, ideas, and aspirations
  • Related Fields in Humanities:
    • Anthropology: Study of human societies, cultures, biological and physiological characteristics
    • Sociology: Study of human society's development, structure, and function
    • Philosophy: Study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and beauty
    • Religion: Belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power
    • History: Study of past events in human affairs
    • Literature: Body of written works, writing considered an art form or having intellectual value