Solarradiation causes evaporation. Through evaporation from surface waters or by evapotranspiration from plants, water molecules, convert into atmospheric vapour.
Water in nature is most nearly pure in its evaporation state. Gases as SO, NOx may find their way into it at the very moment of condensation causing acid rain.
It is very small particles that technically are suspended impurities but often exhibit many of the characteristics of dissolved substances?
It is of domestic origin and its quantity depends on the number of people and nothing to do with the weather?
Sanitary sewage
Sanitary sewage is of domestic origin and its quantity depends on the number of people and nothing to do with the weather. Hence, it is called Dry Weather Flow
Hand runoff from catchments (particularly from roofs and roads) because of heavy rainfall is called?
Storm Water
It is the effluent delivered out of a particular industry. Its quality and quantity depends on upon nature of industry, raw materials used, manufacturing process and housekeeping?
Industrial wastewater
It is defined as contamination water or alteration of the physical, chemical, or biological properties of natural water?
Water pollution
It is the property of absorption of light or its scattering by suspended material in water?
It is based on light absorption being equal to the turbidity produced by 1 mg SiO2 in 1 litre of distilled water?
Jackson Turbidity Unit
It is based on light scattering principle?
Nephelometric Turbidity Unit
It is a visible pollutant?
It is not aesthetically acceptable for domestic as well as industrial use?
Coloured water
it is an index of odour?
Threshold Odour Number
It is mainly caused because of gases of decomposition of organic matter?
It is a catalyst, a depressant, an activator, a restrictor, a stimulator, a controller, and a killer?
What are the physical parameters?
Taste and Odor
What are the chemical properties?
Total dissolved solids
Organics and Nutrients
It is preferred for industrial operations as steam production and manufacturing of soft drinks?
Distilled Water
It is the ability of water to neutralize acids?
It is the sum of the calcium and magnesium ions?
What do you call the carbonate hardness is due to bicarbonates of Calcium and Magnesium which can be easily removed by simple means boiling?
Temporary hardness
Noncarbonate hardness due to chlorides and sulphates of Calcium and Magnesium cannot be removed that easily?
Permanent hardness
It is an ingredient of igneous and sedimentary rocks. It is rarely found in appreciable quantities in surfaces waters but appears in certain ground waters?
Excessive intakes of fluoride can result in discolouration of enamel of teeth called?
It is presents in most industrial wastes as well as in natural soils, render the water hard and make it undesirable for industrial, municipal, and agricultural use?
Inorganic salts
It is called potential Hydrogen, the negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration?
Elements required to the growth and reproduction of plants and animals and aquatic flora and fauna?
It is constituent of proteins, chlorophyll and many other biological compounds?
It is constituent of soils and is used extensively in fertilizer to replace and/or supplement natural quantities on agricultural lands. It is also constituent of animal waste and may become incorporated into the soil grazing and feeding areas?
It is the principal constituent of the animal origin. They occur to a lesser extent in plants?
The term “grease” as commonly used, includes the fats, oils, waxes and other related constituents found in wastewater
It is defined as the amount of oxygen required by microorganisms to stabilize decomposable organic matter at a particular time and temperature?
Biochemical Oxygen Demand
It is the amount of (dissolved) oxygen required to oxidize and stabilize (organic and inorganic content) of the sample solution?
Chemical Oxygen Demand
What are the biological properties?
From the Greek word meaning "rod" or "staff" a shape characteristic?
The smallest biological structure known to contain all the genetic information necessary for their own reproduction?
The lowest form of animal life, are unicellular organisms more complex in their functional activity than bacteria or viruses? They are characterized by gastrointestinal disorders or amoeba dysentery.
What are the two methods of disposal?
Natural Methods: Disposal by dilution
Artificial Methods: Primary and Secondary Treatment
It is the process whereby the treated wastewater or effluent from treatment plants is discharged either in large static water bodies or in moving water bodies such as river or streams?