The process of increasing the value or worth of a good or service
What is buffer inventory?
Inventory held to protect against uncertainties in demand and supply.
What is capacity?
The maximum output that operations can produce in a period, given their existing resources and normal methods of operating
What is capacity utilisation?
The percentage of operating capacity that is used in a period of time
What is efficiency?
The rate at which a task is performed or output is produced. This can also be a measurement of the amount of resources that production uses relative to its output.
What is inventory?
Inventory refers to the goods or materials that a businessholds for the purpose of resale or production.
What is an inventory control chart?
Shows the level of stock held over time
What is Just-In-Case inventory control?
Inventory management strategy that aims to have enough stock on hand to meet unexpecteddemand or disruptions in the supply chain.
What is Just In Time production?
JIT processes focus on producing exactly the amount you need at exactly the time your customers need it
What is Just In Time inventory control?
Inventory management system that aims to minimizeinventory levels by receiving goods only when they are needed in the production process.
What is Kaizen?
Processes to achieve continuousimprovement
What is labour productivity?
The amount produced by an employee in a given period
What does land refer to?
Not just the land itself, but also all of the renewable and non-renewable natural resources on that land, such as coal and timber
What is lead time?
The time taken for inventory to arrive from the supplier after it is ordered
What is lean production?
Using resources as efficiently as possible by minimising waste and eliminating activities that do not add value, and at the same time ensuring quality
What is logistics?
The operations involved in transportinggoods to customers
What is operational flexibility?
The ease with which a productive system can adapt to a changingmarket environment
What is outsourcing?
Using another business (third party) to undertake some of the functions of a business
What is productivity?
A measure of efficiency, not simply a change of output. It is often expressed as a measure of how efficient labour is at production in a given time
What is quality assurance?
Process of ensuring that a product or service meets specified requirements and standards.
What is quality control?
Inspecing goods recieved from suppliers or inspecting items during the production process to check for defects
What is a reorder level?
The inventory level at which a new order should be placed.
What is a reorder quantity?
The quantity of a product that is ordered to replenish inventory.
What is a supply chain?
A network of organizations and activities involved in the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
What is supply chain management?
The coordination and management of all activities involved in the production and distribution of goods and services.
What is Total Quality Management (TQM)?
A structured approach to managing the quality of an organisation's products and services, involving the principles of "rightfirst time" and continuous improvement, and involving all employees of the organisation