Weakness in political system

Cards (13)

  • The Weimar Republic had a president who could be elected every seven years and given power to rule by decree in a national emergency
  • Chancellor and president had relatively equal power, with the chancellor handling day-to-day affairs and the president handling the overall
  • An elected Reichstag allocated seats to parties based on proportional representation, making it easy for new parties to gain power
  • The president could take dictatorial power in times of crisis, potentially leading to abuse of power
  • The spread of seats across many parties made it difficult for a single party to form a majority government, leading to unstable coalitions
  • Franz von Papen formed a coalition with Hitler in 1932, with Hitler challenging the government in 1933 and eventually becoming chancellor
  • Hitler used the Reichstag fire in 1933 to portray the government as weak and gain dictatorial power
  • Factors contributing to the intensification of humiliation and anger among Germans after losing the war:
    • Humiliation from losing the war intensified by anger towards political leaders who allowed it to happen
  • Challenges to the democratic experiment in Germany:
    • Lack of a solid base for the democratic experiment in Germany
    • Weimar's legitimacy was never sufficiently accepted throughout the period
  • Abuse of constitutional provisions undermining democratic government:
    • Abuse of Article 48 that undermined the functioning of accountable democratic government by March 1930
  • Failure of political parties to work the system of proportional representation:
    • Political parties failed to work the system of proportional representation in the spirit it was designed
  • Disillusionment with Weimar policies and actions:
    • Disillusionment with Weimar policies and actions from 1919 onwards
    • Inability to deal with economic crises in the early 1920s and 1930s
    • Brief period of respite under Stresemann was not enough to anchor the system on a solid foundation
  • Political intrigue and fatal underestimation of Hitler:
    • Political intrigue (jobbery) by figures like Hindenburg and von Papen
    • Fatal underestimation of Hitler, believed to be controllable