Social Studies (SS)

Cards (29)

  • Heritage refers to cultural traditions that are passed down from one generation to another.
  • Heritage can also refer to stories that are passed down or the festivals we celebrate as a family.
  • Each generation adds new stories, pictures and traditions that help us to form our identities
  • Heritage includes values that are passed down from generation to generation. These values are commonly accepted and agreed upon within a community, in order to make society function harmoniously.
  • A family is a group of two or more people who are related to and care for each other.
  • Families are very important because they are based on positive relationships between parents, children and siblings. These relationships in families are built on sacrifice, love and affection, care, loyalty and obedience.
  • Family refers to the people whom you live with, It is usually made up of the father, mother, brother, sister and even grandparents
  • A nuclear family is small. It is a family group made up of family members living in the same house. They are usually made up off the father and mother, and their children. Most modern societies are made up of nuclear families.
  • An extended family is very large with many relatives living in the same house. It is common for grandparents and other relatives to live with the family or to live nearby.
  • Interaction between family members
    Advantage: Nuclear family has more time for interaction between its members.
    Disadvantage: Extended family has lesser time because more people to interact with.
  • Social support and care for the young
    Advantage: Extended family can give more social support. Eg. both parents can go to work while the grandparents can take care of the children.
    Disadvantage: Nuclear family less support. Eg. both parents have to leave their child at home for work, so have to hire domestic helper to take care of the children.
  • Family income
    Advantage: Extended family can work and contribute a part of their salary to the household.
    Disadvantage: Nuclear family has generally less family income if only one person is working.
  • Family expenditure (expenses)
    Advantage: Nuclear family does not take much to support a small family.
    Disadvantage: Extended family needs a lot of money to support the large family. Can lead to disputes/quarrels.
  • Roles refer to the functions to be played by each member of the family.
  • Responsibilities refer to the duties attached to one's role.
  • Sharing family duties and responsibilities helps build commitment, loyalty, support, trust, and respect for each other.
  • General roles of a family:
    1. Provision of resources
    2. Nurture and support
    3. Life skills development
    4. Caring for elders and the young
  • Roles and responsibilities of a father:
    1. Father = sole breadwinner
    2. meaning he was the one who worked and earned money for the family, also the head of the family, making important decisions.
    3. Help wife look after family
    4. Handles heavy household tasks
  • Roles and responsibilities of a mother (based on Bruneian society):
    1. Looks after household
    2. Small-time farming
    3. Animal rearing
    4. Manage small businesses (women traders/padian of Brunei)
    5. Cooking and Weaving (these skills passed down to daughters)
  • Roles and responsibilities of a mother (today):
    1. Takes care of children
    2. Looks after household
    3. Go market
    4. Prepare family meals
    5. Cleaning and ironing
  • What are the roles and responsibilities in a family?
    1. General Roles
    2. Individual Roles
    3. A typical family day
  • Roles and responsibilities of grandparents
    Sometimes, if both parents are busy working, grandparents become the main caregivers in the family. They help look after the grandchildren and pass down important traditions to them.
  • Roles and responsibilities of a son.
    In a family, the son helps the father in some household activities, like simple home repairs, gardening and cleaning the car. He also helps the mother in the kitchen and in other household tasks. His responsibilities also involve running errands, taking care of younger brothers and sisters, watering the plants and some house cleaning.
  • Roles and responsibilities of a daughter.
    A daughter helps the mother in doing household tasks like cooking, washing dishes, cleaning and keeping the house in order, She is also responsible for taking care of the younger brothers and sisters, and also grandparents, if any. She may assist her brother in other household tasks like gardening, changing bed sheets and curtains and do the laundry.
  • Family structure
    Families are getting smaller because careers and meeting one's ambition are now more important.
  • Family lifestyle
    Families are getting smaller because some want to enjoy a better standard of living- better cars, bigger houses and frequent overseas holidays.
  • Need for both parents to work
    Families are getting smaller because of higher cost of living in the city. Both parents may need to work and may not be able to spend a lot of time with the family
    In some families, grandparents and sometimes, domestic helpers look after the children in the daytime and become the main caregivers
  • Advantages and disadvantages of changing traditional family roles today
    1. Able to afford more things and to enjoy a better standard of living.
    2. Better career and jobs for future.
    3. Bruneian society becomes more modern.
    1. Less quality time to spend with children.
    2. Relying too much on grandparents.
    3. Relying too much on domestic helpers.
  • Preserving traditional values in a modern family
    • Effective and open communication
    • Have meals together and give full attention
    • Show respect for the elderly
    • Learning traditions and moral values through the family
    • Learning character development in schools