3.3 Personalized Approach to Web Design through HTML (1)

Cards (11)

  • HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language
  • HTML is a foundation technology used to create web pages and applications
  • HTML5 is a digital document accessible through the Internet using a web browser
  • HTML tags are keywords that help give an HTML page structure
  • Tags are the backbone of any HTML document since every HTML file includes tags
  • Classification of Tags:
    • Paired Tags: Tags that come in pairs with an opening start and closing or end tags. They are case-sensitive.
    • Examples: <p> </p>, <h1> </h1>, <body> </body>
    • Unpaired Tags: Single or stand-alone tags that do not require an end tag and give definition to their content.
    • Examples: <b>, <hr>
  • Structural Tags:
    • <!DOCTYPE html>: Used to declare the type of document
    • <html> </html>: Identifies the page as an HTML document
    • <head> </head>: Keeps information about the web page
    • <title> </title>: Displays the title of the web page in the browser tool bar
    • <body> </body>: Defines the document's body and contains all the content of an HTML document
    • <br>: Used to insert a single line break
    • <center> </center>: Used to align text in the text to center
  • Main Parts of an HTML File:
    • HTML Document Head: Contains important information about the web page such as the title and style
    • HTML Document Title: Seen on the top left corner of the browser
    • HTML Document Body: Location of all the contents of the webpage
  • Attributes are modifiers of HTML tags that provide additional information
  • Wireframe Diagrams show the structure of a web page using outlines for each content type and widget
  • Site Diagram indicates the structure of the site as a whole and how individual pages relate to one another