Cards (34)

  • Politics refers to the activities and policies used to gain and hold power in a government or to influence the government
  • Governance encompasses the structures and processes that ensure the effective and responsible use of power, including the formulation and implementation of policies
  • Politics focuses on the pursuit and exercise of power, while governance is concerned with how that power is wielded and how decisions are made and implemented
  • Politics exists because people disagree about the aims and methods of human endeavor
  • Disagreements in politics can only be resolved by one side obtaining the power to make its viewpoint prevail
  • The acquisition of power is a prerequisite for achieving political objectives
  • Conflict is necessarily not bad in politics. There is no politics If there is no
  • Politics is not dirty, but "dirty politics" happens when a person abuses the power they hold
  • According to B. Pomton and P. Gill, Politics is the way in which we understand and order our social affairs and acquire greater control over the situation
  • According to Amble Tuibeo, politics is the strategy for maintaining cooperation among people with different needs and ideals in life
  • Political science is a classical discipline that deals with the study of political phenomena
  • Political science focuses on the theory and practice of government and politics at different levels
  • Political science deals with the systematic study of political structures, processes, and behavior
  • Traditional approaches to the study of political science are largely normative and stress on the values of politics
  • Traditional approaches focus on the study of different political structures and institutions
  • Traditional approaches believe that studies in political science can never be scientific because facts and values are closely linked
  • Behavioral approach to political science emphasizes scientific, objective, and value-free study of political phenomena
  • Behavioral approach shifts its emphasis from the study of the state and government to the day-to-day problems and behavior of individuals and groups
  • Behavioral approach believes in certain uniformities in political behavior that can be expressed in generalizations or theories
  • Behavioral approach emphasizes on testing and verifying everything, using research tools that generate valid and reliable data
  • Political science should not be separated from other social sciences like history, sociology, and economics
  • It is important to care about politics to know what is going on around you, have a say in what will happen, and understand that decisions made in politics affect many lives
  • There branches of Government
    Legislative, judiciary, executive
  • this approach firmly believes that values cannot be separated from the study of politics and political system
  • this emphasizes the study of history of every political reality to analyze any situation
  • this approach is concerned with the study of formal structures and institutions like the branches of government
  • this approach is concerned with legal process, legal bodies, or institutions, justice and independence of judiciary
  • emphasizes testing and verifying everything
  • put emphasis on the use of those research tools and methods which generate valid, reliable, and comparative data
  • after collecting data, researcher should measure and quantify those data
  • believe that to do objective research one has to be value free
  • research in polsci must be systematic. Theor and research should go together
  • believes that the study of polsci should be verified by evidence
    pure science
  • polsci should not be separated from various other social sciences like history, sociology, and economics