Issues of Human Rights

Cards (30)

  • Human Rights: The basic entitlements of all humans afforded to them simply for being human
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights (issued by the united nations in 1948)
  • Amnesty International: A non-governmental organisation that campaigns for human rights and against injustice.
    -Protest marches
    -Writing letters to government
    -Using media to raise awareness
    -Running events to educate about human rights abuses
  • Social Justice: Promoting a fair and equal society by challenging injustice and inequality and valuing diversity.
  • Personal Conviction: Something a person very strongly feels or believes in .
  • Malala Yousafzai: A human rights campaigner in SWAT valley, Pakistan
    Campaigned for Women's education rights
    Taliban banned girls from attending school but Malala believed this went against UDHR 'everyone has the right to an education'
  • Christian attitudes to Human Rights:
    Many Christians believe that UDHR reflects the main principles of Christianity.
    All people have worth and value.
    Human life should not be destroyed or maltreated
  • Agape: The foundation of all Christian teachings and campaigns for social justice and follows the examples of Jesus.
  • Liberation Theology: The belief that God is involved in the liberation of the poor and oppressed.
    Based on the actions of Jesus (freedom fighter)
  • Oscar Romero: Archbishop of El Salvador (1977)
    Openly criticised the government for being corrupt
    Killed by soldiers in a chapel in 1980
  • Censorship: Limiting or supressing access to materials deamed obscene offensive or a threat.
  • UDHR, Article 19 - 'everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression: this includes opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers'
  • Freedom of religious expression: The right to express your religious beliefs freely
  • In France, it is illegal to wear religious symbols in school
  • Ways of expressing religion:
    • Symbols
    • Clothing
    • Evangelism / Mission
  • Religious Extremism: Believing in or supporting ideas that are very far from what most most people consider correct or reasonable
  • Ku Klux Klan (KKK): A secret society of white supremacists that terrorized African Americans in the South
    They believed they were doing gods work as they took 'love thy neighbour' to mean only white people
  • Westboro Baptist church: Extremist group
    Protest heavily with very controversial signs
    Believe they are following the Bible and act in hopes of going to heaven
  • Discrimination: The act of treating someone differently due to prejudice
  • Prejudice: The pre judging of a person to be superior or inferior without cause
  • Christian attitudes to discrimination and prejudice:
    Leviticus 19:33-34 'Strangers must be accepted'
    Deuteronomy 24:17 'Do not deprive the foreigner or the fatherless of justice or take the cloak of the widow as a pledge'
    Jesus' example and teachings reflects on the importance for Christians
  • Women in worship:
    (Catholic) Cannot be priests as women cannot assume roles of authority over men. They can become sisters or nuns.
    (CofE) Women can now become vicars
  • Lucy Lane was the first female bishop
  • Racial prejudice: The belief that one race is superior to another.
  • Christian views of racial prejudice:
    The catholic church works to oppose racial prejudice with CARJ (catholic association for racial justice)
    The church of England fights against racial prejudice with CMEAC (committee for minority and ethic Anglican concerns)
  • Martin Luther King: An inspiration to many Christians in the fight against racial prejudice.
    Baptist Minister that was influenced by Jesus' teachings on love.
  • Relative Poverty: A standard of poverty measured by the society they live in
    E.g. Living on less than x% of an average UK income
    This exists within the UK even though it is a rich country.
  • Absolute Poverty: An acute state of deprivation where a person cannot access the most basic human needs.
  • Christian attitudes to wealth:
    Don't believe wealth is a bad thing but it is believed selfishness is a sin
    Means of acquiring wealth must be of good (no gambling or illegal activities etc)
    E.g. The story of Lazarus
  • Christian Aid: A charity that works to help those in need without discrimination and prejudice.
    Aims to stop poverty