The Placenta

Cards (7)

  • What is exchanged at the Placenta?
    Nutrients, oxygen, and waste products.
  • What is the 1st role?
    Secretion of hormones; progesterone and oestrogen. It takes over from the Corpus Luteum.
  • What is the 2nd role?
    Exchange of O2, CO2, nutrients and waste with the mother’s circulation.
  • What is the 3rd role?
    Acts as a barrier to high blood pressure, blood born pathogens and toxins in the maternal blood.
  • What is the 4th role?
    It allows maternal antibodies to protect the foetus by passive immunity.
  • What is the 5th role?
    It provides protection from the mother’s immune system. Also prevents white blood cells from passing into the foetal blood.
  • What is the structure of the Placenta?
    Large surface area, permeable, moist, concentration gradients, short diffusion pathway, countercurrent flow.