Sex stereotypes, sexual stereotypes, sex-role stereotypes, and Compound stereotypes.
Sexstereotypes is a generalized view of traits that should be possesed by men and women, specifically physical and emotional roles.
Sexual stereotypes involve assumptions regarding a person's sexuality that reinforce dominant views.
Sex role stereotypes are the beliefs and expectations about the roles of men and women in society.
Compound stereotypes a generalized view or preconception about groups that result from the ascription of attributes, characteristics or roles based on one or more other traits, for example sex/gender and disability.
There are three dimensions of sexuality namely:
Sexual attraction, sexual behavior, and sexual fantasy.
emotional preferences , socialpreferences and self-identification.
Heterosexual or homosexual
Gender identity is the internal sense of being a man or a woman, regardless of the sex assigned at birth.
Gender expression is how a person presents themselves to the world, including their clothing, hairstyle, and body language
Stereotypes is an often unfair and untrue belief that many people have about all people or things with a particular characteristic.
Gender roles is a set of socially accepted behaviors and attitudes deemed appropriate or desirable for individuals based on their sex and are usually centered on conceptions of masculinity and femininity, although there are exceptions and variations
Feminine: having qualities or an appearance traditionally associated with women or girls
Masculine having qualities or an appearance traditionally associated with men or boys.