Sas 6

Cards (28)

  • Principles of Arts:
    • Balance, proportion, emphasis, variety, movement, rhythm, harmony
    • Used to organize the basic elements of art: line, shape, form, value, color, space, and texture
    • Also referred to as principles of organization or design principles
    • Composition is the placement or arrangement of visual elements in an artwork
    • Principles of art and design include balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, and unity/variety
    • Principles of visual art are rules, tools, or guidelines that artists use to organize the elements of art in an artwork
    • Identified principles of art: movement, unity, harmony, variety, balance, rhythm, emphasis, contrast, proportion, pattern
  • Emphasis/Focal Point:
    • Makes one part of an artwork dominant
    • Attracts the viewer's eyes to a place of special importance
    • Creates a sense of importance and communicates a message or feeling
    • Creates variety in artwork
  • Unity/Harmony:
    • Quality of wholeness or oneness achieved through effective use of elements and principles of art
    • Arrangement of elements and principles to create a feeling of completeness
  • Articulation/Movement:
    • Path the viewer's eye follows throughout an artwork
    • Composition can be closed or open based on eye movement
    • Created by purposefully placing art elements to guide the viewer's eye
  • Variety in Principles of Art:
    • Refers to the use of different qualities or instances of visual elements
    • Opposite of repetitive or monotonous use of elements
  • Art Appreciation exam.
  • Principles of art are rules or guidelines to be considered when judging art
  • Principles of art include: repetition, variation, contrast, balance, proportion, emphasis, pattern, and unity
  • Balance, proportion, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, and unity/variety are principles of art and design
  • Repetition (Pattern/Rhythm):
    • Consistency with colors and lines
    • Putting elements in a consistent pattern to create movement
    • Pattern is the repetition of elements to guide the eye around the artwork
    • Rhythm is the regular repetition of elements to create a sense of movement
  • Variation/Variety:
    • Quality of having different forms or types
    • Differences in elements create visual and conceptual interest
    • Variety is the counterweight to harmony and adds visual interest by using different elements together
  • Contrast:
    • Shows differences and diversity in artwork
    • Combining elements to create interest
    • Refers to differences in values, colors, textures, shapes, and other elements
    • Creates visual excitement and adds interest to the artwork
  • Balance:
    • Arranging elements so that no one part overpowers another
    • Sense of stability achieved through implied weight of an object
    • Three types of balance: symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial
  • Proportion:
    • Size relationship of forms and shapes
    • Good proportion causes a sense of unity and harmony
    • Ratio of one art element to another
  • Emphasis/Focal Point:
    • Concentrates focus through design principles or meaning
    • Develops points of interest to pull the viewer's eye to important parts of the work
    • Makes one part of an artwork dominant
    • Emphasis is the center of interest in a work of art, the most important element where the viewer focuses
  • Emphasis in art is when one element stands out more than another, creating a sense of importance and is intentionally used to communicate a message or feeling
  • Emphasis creates variety in artwork
  • Unity or harmony in art is the quality of wholeness or oneness achieved through the effective use of the elements and principles of art
  • Articulation or movement in art is the path the viewer's eye follows throughout an artwork
  • If your eyes stay within the work, the composition is closed. If your eyes stay outside the work, the composition is called open
  • Movement in art shows actions or the path the viewer's eye flows throughout an artwork
  • Principles of Arts:
    • Balance, proportion, emphasis, variety, movement, rhythm, harmony
    • Used to organize the basic elements of art: line, shape, form, value, color, space, and texture
    • Also referred to as principles of organization or design principles
    • Composition is the placement or arrangement of visual elements in an artwork
    • Principles of art and design are balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, and unity/variety
    • Principles of visual art are rules, tools, or guidelines that artists use to organize the elements of art in an artwork
    • Some identified principles of art are movement, unity, harmony, variety, balance, rhythm, emphasis, contrast, proportion, and pattern
  • Emphasis:
    • Makes one part of an artwork dominant
    • Attracts the viewer's eye to important parts of the work
    • Creates a sense of importance and communicates a message or feeling
    • Creates variety in artwork
  • Unity/Harmony:
    • Achieved through the effective use of elements and principles of art
    • Creates a feeling of completeness
  • Articulation/Movement:
    • Path the viewer's eye follows throughout an artwork
    • Composition can be closed or open based on the movement created
    • Purposeful placement of art elements creates this path
  • Variety in art refers to the use of different qualities or instances of the visual elements
    • Opposite of repetitive or monotonous use of elements