The purpose of the CPU is to process data, which includes searching, sorting, calculating, and decision making
The CPU follows the Fetch - Decode - Execute cycle to process data
In the Fetch stage, the CPU fetches data and instructions from RAM and stores them in its temporary memory called 'registers'
The CPU uses the 'address bus' to fetch data from RAM and the 'Data Bus' to transfer data to the CPU
In the Decode stage, the CPU understands and works out what the fetched instruction means
The Execute stage is where data processing happens and instructions are carried out on the data
All Von Neumann CPUs have an instruction set with simple instructions like ADD, SUB, STA, LDA, BRA, and OUT
Registers used during each Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle include the Accumulator (A), Program Counter (C), Memory Address Register (MAR), Instruction Register (IR), and Memory Data Register (MDR)
Registers are tiny memory locations used to carry out instructions in a typical F-D-E cycle
The Von Neumann architecture allows data and instructions to be held together in memory and executed one at a time without rewiring the circuitry of the machine
Computer scientists invented a simple coding language to make programming software accessible to the masses