Representing Images

Cards (13)

  • Images can be stored in binary as bitmaps or vectors
  • Bitmap pictures are constructed from coloured squares called pixels
  • Vector pictures store the mathematics to draw coloured shapes
  • Each pixel of a bitmap is stored in binary
  • The number of bits required for each pixel depends on the number of colours required
  • 1 bit can store 2 colours: black or white
  • 2 bits can store 4 colours
  • The number of colours can be calculated as 2^n, where n is the number of bits for each pixel
  • The number of bits for each pixel is known as the colour depth
  • Metadata is additional data stored with the image to define the width, height, colour depth and colour palette
  • The greater the colour depth and resolution, the larger the file size of the image
  • Photographs are stored in 24 bit colour depth, which is over 16 million colours
  • This represents the number of different colours the human eye can see