Cards (61)

  • bottom line
    the most important thing
  • rebel against
    to oppose
  • insular
    narrow-minded person
  • practicalities
    the conditions that result from an idea
  • reserved
    retiring, withdrawn
  • know-how
    knowledge of how to do something
  • reconcile
    to balance two things
  • local etiquette
    local rules
  • comprehensive
    covering or including everything
  • on a superficial level
    not complete and involving only the most obvious things
  • take the mickey out of sb
    make fun of sb, tease sb
  • social mobility
    a change in position within the social hierarchy
  • social class
    a division of a society based on social and economic status.
  • positive outlook
    a way of thinking in which you believe that good things will happen
  • tough
    difficult, hard
  • live and let live
    accept other people's opinions and ways of life, even if they are different from your own
  • interfere
    come between
  • lost touch with
    to stop communicating
  • secular society
    A society that is not ruled by religious beliefs
  • revolve around
    focus on, center on
  • burreucratic
    involves complicated rules and processes which make it slow
  • plays a powerful role
    involved with, have an effect on smth
  • conform
    to follow rules
  • male-dominated
    involving mostly men or controlled mostly by men
  • hospitality
    kindness in welcoming guests or strangers
  • Excommunicate
    To declare that a person or group no longer belongs to a church
  • egalitarian
    promoting equal rights for all people
  • worldly
    engrossed in matters of this earth; not spiritual
  • cut corners
    do something the cheapest or easiest way
  • cornerstone of
    a basic and fundamental part of
  • implication
    the effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future, consecquences
  • baptise
    to christen
  • orchestrate
    to arrange music for performance; to coordinate, organize
  • courtship
    The process of finding a mate
  • thump the table
    to hit a table hard, with closed hand
  • temper tantrums
    sudden periods of uncontrolled childish anger
  • unnerve
    make someone feel nervous or uncomfortable
  • frown upon
    to disapprove of something
  • latecomers
    people who arrive late
  • keep still
    not move