Axillary lymph nodes are located in the axilla and are arranged in five groups:
Anterior group nodes: about 4 to 5 nodes located deep to pectoralis major and lower border of pectoralis minor
Lateral group nodes: about 4-6 nodes located along axillary vein
Posterior group nodes: about 6-7 nodes located along subscapular vessels
Central group nodes: about 3 or 4 nodes located in the axillary fats
Apical group nodes: about 6-12 larger nodes located along the apex of the axilla, above the pectoralis minor and along the medial side of the axillary vein
Skin of the medial part of the mammary gland drains into the parasternal/internal mammary of the same side, but few lymphatics can cross to the opposite side
75% of the lymph drains into axillary lymph nodes, 20% drains into internal mammary (parasternal) lymph nodes, and 5% drains into posterior intercostal lymph nodes
Lactiferous ducts are radially arranged from the nipple, so incision of the gland should be made in a radial direction to avoid cutting through the duct