What is the evaluation of the cognitive interview?
.tested p's by showing them videos of a stimulated crime and then testing different groups with a cognitive interview, standard police interview or an interview under the influence of hypnosis. They found that the cognitive interview elicited more information from the p's than the other types.
Research showing the cognitive interview helps accuracy of eyewitness reporting enables better use of police time and resources-police/government funds are better spent if you get more correct info/quicker resolution of the crime
Conducted a meta analysis of 53 studies and found, on average, an increase of 34% in the amount of correct information generated in the cognitive interview compared with standard interview techniques.
-Cognitive interviews can create an increase in incorrect information too... The Kohnken et al study found an increase of 81% of correct information BUT also an increase of 61% of incorrect information when the cognitive interview was compared to the standard interview. This means that police need to treat all information collected from cognitive interviews with caution; it does not guarantee accuracy.
-The Cognitive Interview techniques is time consuming...
.Police are reluctant to use the cognitive interview. It takes more time than the standard police interview/time is needed to establish rapport with the witnesses
.Requires special training-many police forces can't provide more than a few hours
.This means it is unlikely the proper version of the cognitive interview is being used
-Memon et al (1994) Failed to find any improvement using the cognitive interview
.38 experienced police officers were trained for 4 hours on general interviewing principles.
.Half of these were the trained on the cognitive interview