Digestion and the digestive system

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  • Digestion
    The process by which food is broken down into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by the body.
  • the digestion of larger insoluble molecules into their soluble products which can be absorbed

    Fats - made up of fatty acids and glycerol
    Proteins - Made up of amino acids
    Carbohydrates - Made up of simple sugars e.g starch made from glucose
  • Test for presence of starch, glucose and protein
    Starch - Iodine solution
    Glucose - Benedicts solution
    Protein - Biuret solution
  • Role of carbohydrase, lipases, and proteases
    Carbohydrase's - Catalase breakdown of carbohydrase into simple sugars
    Lipases - Catalase breakdown of fats into glycerol and fatty acids Proteases - Catalase breakdown of proteins into amino acids
  • Function of mouth
    Food is chewed into smaller pieces Amylase in saliva breaks starch to maltose
  • Function of stomach
    Secretes protease which breaks down proteins
    Contains hydrochloric acid which kills any bacteria in food
  • Function of pancreas
    Secretes carbohydrase and lipase (transported to small intestine)
  • Function of small intestine
    Carbohydrase breaks down carbohydrates
    Protease breaks down proteins
    Lipases breaks down lipids
    Food molecules are absorbed into bloodstream
  • Function of large intestine
    Reabsorbs water into bloodstream
  • Function of liver
    Produces bile
  • How does peristalsis move food
    It is a wave of muscle contractions in the gut which forces food down the gut
  • Function of bile
    Secreted by the liver and stored in the gall bladder in breakdown of fats
  • What can be a model for the gut
    Visking tube
  • The fate of the digested products of fats, carbohydrates and proteins provide energy
    Fatty acids and glycerol from fats provide energy
    Glucose from carbohydrates provide energy or is stored as glycogen Amino acids from digested proteins are needed to build proteins in the body
  • Why is protein needed for a balanced diet
    Broken in to amino acids
    Joined in long chains to form new proteins which are used for growth
  • Why is carbohydrates needed for a balanced diet
    Broken into smaller sugars e.g. glucose
    Sugars used in respiration to release energy or are stored
  • Why is vitamins needed for a balanced diet
    Vitamin C involved in collagen and working of immune system
  • Why is fiber needed for a balanced diet
    Provides bulk which aids movement of food via peristalsis
  • Why is water needed for a balanced diet
    Enables chemical reactions to happen
    Main component of cells
  • Why is too much sugar, fat and salt bad
    Sugar - Risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, tooth decay
    Fat - Risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer
    Salt - Risk of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease
  • Why do we need to digest large food molecules
    Its small enough to absrob
  • Explain effect on bile on rate of digestion of lipids
    Bile emulsifies fat and bile creates a larger surface area for lipids to work
  • Where is bile made
  • Where is bile stored
    Gall bladder