Why does Lacey wish that she had put down Mr. Cephas as her guardian?
She now has to use the money ma gave her to go home and deliver the letter the school gave her for the suspension
Upon closer thought Lacey figured that Mr. Cephas finding out she got suspended will be difficult because:
she would have to stay home; however, he left early in the morning and so she would haveto dosome writingsinher notebook for accountability.
How does Lacey convince Ms. Velma to open the letter?
She told her what it entailed, however she was distraught
How does Mr. Cephas find out about Lacey’s suspension?
He heard it from a coworker who has a sister at the school.
How does Ms. Velma show her new act of power that shocks Mr. Cephas?
She spoke up andwith great fervor to Mr. Cephas telling him that he is the one who brought Lacey, not knowing anything about her and likewise Lacey about him. All he wanted was to have the daughter with him but all she has brought is trouble.
Mr. Cephas insists that whenever Lacey gets in trouble, who should to the one to represent her at school?
What has Ms. Velma expressed to show her discontent with Lacey being in her home?
she told Lacey that she has brought trouble, she doesn’t want her there and she has turned her father into a worse beast than before.
After all the events, what traumatized Lacey in the night?
She thought Mamy Patsy was standing over her with
Ms. Velma’s face looking sorrowful. (why is this the case?)
What does Lacey say she does at times instead of going home?
divertedinthe opposite direction and head to Ma Zelline’s house or accompanyAnjaneeto the bus station
What is the speech that the principal speaks about at assembly?
‘A refresher rules of La Puerta Government secondary School
In the coming days what does Lacey notice about Anjanee, physically?
She is a lot more frail, thin, have no appetite, tired.