Business Key Terms

Cards (23)

  • What is centrilisation?
    Centrilisation is an organisational structure in which a single leader or small group of people makes all decisions
  • What is a charity?
    A non-profit or not-for-profit organisation that aims to provide a contribution to the social well-being of individuals or groups of people
  • What is a co-operative business?
    A business owned and operated by its members, who share the profits and have a say in decision-making.
  • What is decentrilisation?
    Distribution of power or authority away from a central authority or governing body.
  • What is delegation?
    Delegation is when managers give authority to make decisions and perform tasks to someone lower in the organisational hierarchy
  • What is enterprise?
    A person with enterprise has determination, ideas and vision and is willing to take risks in order to make the business happen
  • What is limited liability?
    Limited liability is a legal concept that protects the personal assets of shareholders in a company from being used to pay off the company's debts or liabilities.
  • What is a non-profit organisation?
    An organization that operates for a social or public benefit rather than for profit.
  • What is opportunity cost?
    The value of the next best alternative that is forgone when making a decision.
  • What is organisational design?
    The framework of a business indicating the lines of authority and communication, and responsibilities for decision-making
  • What is a primary sector business?
    A primary sector business is one that extracts or harvests raw materials from the natural environment, such as agriculture, mining, or fishing.
  • What is a private limited company?
    An incorporated business in the private sector where share ownership is limited to specified people or businesses.
  • What is a private sector business?
    A business owned and operated by individuals or non-governmental organizations for profit.
  • What is a public limited company?
    A private sector incorporated business with the right to sell shares to the general public
  • What is a public sector business?
    A business owned and operated by the government.
  • What is a secondary sector business?
    A secondary sector business is involved in the manufacturing or construction of goods.
  • What is a small and medium sized enterprise (SME)?
    A small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) is a business that has a limited number of employees and generates a moderate amount of revenue.
  • What is social enterprise?
    A business that aims to solve social or environmental problems while also generating profit.
  • What is span of control?
    The number of subordinates a manager directly supervises.
  • What is a tactic?
    A short-term course of action or the day-to-day management of a business or for trying to meet part of an overall strategy
  • What is a tertiary sector business?
    A service-based business.
  • What is an unincorporated business?
    A private sector business that has not been registered as a company. Sole traders and partnerships are unincorporated.
  • What is unlimited liability?
    Unlimited liability is a legal concept where the owner of a business is personally responsible for all debts and liabilities of the business.