Cards (91)

  • I also remember there was a question about thrombosis break order
    leg, circulatory, lungs
  • subdural hematoma
    collection of blood under the dura mater, blood brain barrier (how would you describe it to someone)
  • Cat Eye technical name
  • Vitamin K (IDK WHY SHE TOLD ME) -i thought it was blood clotting -__-

    can help with blood thinning
  • What is the Rh factor?

    It is the positive antigen present on some RBC.
  • Epstein-Barr virus
    asymptomatic and occurs in childhood,mononucleosis,associated with lymphomas, Transmission: mostly spread by asymptomatic salivary shedding, close oral contact (kissing disease), infects B-cells
  • Allergic Reaction (Rh Incompatibility)
    Allergic Reaction, Destruction of Red Cells
  • Delayed Reaction
    Due to a Buildup of Antibodies
  • Hemolytic Reaction
    Hemolytic Reaction (Wrong Blood Type Given) = Coagulation- Clogs Kidneys
  • Wrong Transfusion reactions
    Hemolytic Reaction, Delayed Reaction,
    Allergic Reaction (Rh Incompatibility), Febrile Reaction
  • DIC treatment
    Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP), Cryoprecipitate (contains fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor, factor VIII, factor XIII and fibronectin), Platelet Transfusion
  • Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)

    Impairment ofCoagulation Cascade,Micro-clots Develop, Factors and Platelets Used up Massive Bleeding
  • Mononucleosis diagnose with
    Heterophil Antibodies Test
  • Mononucleosis transmission
  • Mononucleosis acute symptoms
    2 weeks to 3 months (Fever, Pharyngitis, Lymphadenopathy, Sore Throat, Rash, Splenomegaly)
  • Mononucleosis Prodrome
    Several Days May Include Malaise, Chills, Anorexia
  • Mononucleosis
    Herpes Family of Viruses - Epstein Barr or Cytomegalovirus, Incubates 4-6 Weeks
  • Hemochromatosis treatment
    Iron Lowering Agents (e.g. Desferral), or Phlebotomy
  • Hemochromatosis
    excess iron deposits throughout the body
  • Hemophilia
  • Thrombocyte factors
    Factor V, VIII
  • Coagulation cascade
    Most Factors are Proteins Made by Liver and Require Vitamin K for Production
  • Anemia treatment *
    Erythropoietin, Iron Supplements (PO or IV)Transfusion (Hgb < 8g/dL, Red Cells(RBC’s or PRBC’s))
  • hemolytic anemia
    reduction in red cells due to excessive destruction (gradual)
  • chronic anemia
    excessive menstrual periods, slow gastrointestinal bleeding, diseases affecting bone marrow
  • acute anemia
    sudden blood loss
  • Anemia signs and symptoms
    decrease in o2 Saturation, Fatigue/Weakness, Dyspnea, Angina, Headache/Dim Vision, Pallor, Tachycardia/Palpitations, Bone Pain, Pica
  • Anemia causes more

    Defective Production- Malnourishment, Cobalamin or B Deficiency,Pernicious Anemia (Cannot Absorb B12),Bone Marrow Failure- Aplastic Anemia, Renal Failure
  • Causes of Hemolysis
    Drugs, Sickle Cell, Thalassemia (Improper Hgb Synthesis)
  • hemolysis
    destruction of red blood cells, causes coagulation of kidneys
  • Anemia causes
    Trauma, Chronic (GI, Menses)
  • Anemia
    A condition in which the blood is deficient in red blood cells, in hemoglobin, or in total volume.
  • Alzheimer's disease
    6th Cause of Death in USA Progressive Loss of Short-Term Memory, Difficulty with Language, Changes in Behavior, Neural Atrophy, Neritic Plaques on Autopsy, Neurofibrillary Tangles
  • Restless Leg Syndrome causes
    genetic, iron deficiency, neurologic disorders, pregnancy, medications
  • Restless Leg Syndrome
    uncomfortable sensations in legs causing movement and loss of sleep
  • Narcolepsy
    Fall Asleep During Day, May be Genetic or Auto-Immune
  • sleep apnea treatment *

    Retraining Sleep Position, Surgery, CPAP- Forces Positive Pressure
  • Sleep Apnea causes
    Obesity, Alcohol, Drugs, Large Neck Circumference 40" or More
  • sleep apnea
    10-30 Second Intervals, can be Central or Obstructive, full or partial Collapse of Upper Airway
  • hydrocephalus treatment *