I also remember there was a question about thrombosis break order
leg, circulatory, lungs
subdural hematoma
collection ofblood under the duramater, blood brain barrier (how would you describe it to someone)
Cat Eye technical name
Vitamin K (IDK WHY SHE TOLD ME) -i thought it was blood clotting -__-
can help with blood thinning
What is the Rh factor?
It is the positive antigen present on some RBC.
Epstein-Barr virus
asymptomatic and occurs in childhood,mononucleosis,associated with lymphomas, Transmission: mostly spread by asymptomatic salivary shedding, close oral contact (kissing disease), infects B-cells
Allergic Reaction (Rh Incompatibility)
Allergic Reaction, Destruction of Red Cells
Delayed Reaction
Due to a Buildup of Antibodies
Hemolytic Reaction
Hemolytic Reaction (Wrong Blood Type Given) = Coagulation- Clogs Kidneys
destruction of red blood cells, causes coagulation of kidneys
Trauma, Chronic (GI, Menses)
A condition in which the blood is deficient in red blood cells, in hemoglobin, or in total volume.
Alzheimer's disease
6th Cause of Death in USA Progressive Loss of Short-Term Memory, Difficulty with Language, Changes in Behavior, Neural Atrophy, Neritic Plaques on Autopsy, Neurofibrillary Tangles
Restless Leg Syndrome causes
genetic, iron deficiency, neurologic disorders, pregnancy, medications
Restless Leg Syndrome
uncomfortable sensations in legs causing movement and loss of sleep
Fall Asleep During Day, May be Genetic or Auto-Immune