Boscastle Flood

Cards (14)

  • Was in August 2004
  • Location of North coast of Cornwall
  • Physical Factors
    Relief: steep v-shaped valley sides, little time for infiltration, more surface runoff
  • Physical Factors
    Geology: slate is inpermable rock and granite , both prevent percolation, increase surface runoff and chance of flood
  • Physical Factors
    River Valency: only small 7-8km, short lag time and flashy hydrograph
  • Physical Factors
    Shape of drainage basin: circular, flashy response, all arriving at approximately the same time
  • Physical Factors
    Antecedent Rainfall: Some areas of Bodmin Moor got 125% more rainfall than average, increase in saturation overland flow as soils full
  • Physical Factors
    High Intensity Precipitation: approx 7 hours of storm, 200mm, 1hour 100mm/hr, caused by relief rainfall
  • Human Factors
    Deforestation in the past approximately Bronze Age, less transpiration and interception, increase in surface runoff
  • Environmental Impacts
    Soil erosion due to surface runoff
    Sedimentation in the river channels and into harbour creates a delta
    Bank Erosion due to high velocity of the river and high discharge.
    Bed erosion due to high velocity and high discharge means leave boulders rolling down the river
    Ecosystem impacts E.g trees removed
  • Socio-economic Impacts 

    Commercial buildings destroyed: cafes, hotels, shops, tourist information
    Houses damaged, people become homeless
    116 cars destroyed, 84 removed from harbour
    Large increase in cost of flood insurance
    Fall in house prices, around 50%
    Reduce in revenue in tourism industry
    ’Dark Tourism’ visiting where tragic happened
  • Social Impacts
    0 deaths
  • Hard Engineering strategies to manage flood hazard
    Channelisation- deeper and wider, increase channel capacity, protect against a 75 year flood
    2004 flood- 400 year flood
  • Soft Engineering strategies to manage flood hazards
    Afforestation- increase interception and transpiration reduces channel runoff
    Flood Plain Zoning- leaves area close to river empty, done on small scale
    To adapt the buildings so they’re more resilient to flooding (flood board) stop water coming through doors
    Waterproof rendering on walls, prevents materials being saturated
    No return valve fitted in toilets specially down stairs and sinks
    Electric points downstairs raised above ground level, raised floor levels downstairs slightly
    Tile flooring easier to clean