sleep becomes deeper from N1 to N3 - less easily woken - slowing of brain frequency - increased amplitude
N1 - light sleep - easy to wake body may move suddenly - sensation of falling - mild halucinations
n1 - eeg shows theta waves with slow frequency and high amplitude
N2 - deeper sleep - harder to wake - body is relaxed - heart rate and temp are lowered
n2 - eeg shpws theta but also sleep spindles and k complexes
n3 - deepest sleep - difficult to wake up - most relaxed sleep - lowest heart rate
n3 - eeg sees slow frequency and large amplitude delta waves
REM - returns to active brain state - similar to wakefullness
REM - eeg body is paralysed - when woken report vivid dreams
brain returns to N1 after REM
each cycle has a larger REM and shorter duration of N3
Dermot and Kleitman - eeg recordings of participants sleep - brain waves followed a pattern of activation - relaxation in slow wave and activation in REM
shapiro - ultramarathon runners showed longer sleep after intense activity - increase proportion of slow wave sleep - suggests N3 needed for physical recovery
Haider - eeg of 10 patients recovering from overdose - increased rem - rem is for mental recovery
pros of sleep research - more sophisticated eegs - development of technology
brac cycle - basic rest activity cycle
brac - kleitman
brac - cycle we go through in 90 mins in the day - altert to sleepy - explains why work is broken up with coffee breaks
brac app - musicians and atheltes - break up practise into 90 mins for maximum efficiency