List 5 - Joy Luck Club

Cards (20)

  • acquiesce
    To accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively (often used with in or to)
  • auspicious
    Showing or suggesting that future success is likely; promising; fortunate
  • chagrin
    Distress of mind caused by humiliation, disappointment, or failure. To vex or unsettle by disappointing or humiliating
  • disparage
    To belittle the importance or value of (someone or something). To lower (someone or something) in rank or reputation; to degrade
  • docile
    Easily taught; easily led or managed
  • guileless
    Innocent, naive
  • insolent
    Insultingly contemptuous in speech or conduct. Exhibiting boldness or effrontery; impudent
  • inviolable
    Secure from violation or profanation; secure from an assault or trespass
  • lament
    To mourn aloud; wail. To express sorrow, mourning, or regret, often demonstrativelyA crying out in grief; complaint (n)
  • listless
    Characterized by a lack of interest, energy, or spirit
  • mundane
    Relating to or characteristic of the world. Characterized by the practical or ordinary. Commonplace
  • precipitous
    Very steep, perpendicular, or overhanging in rise or fall
  • acrid
    Sharp and harsh or unpleasantly pungent in taste or odor; irritating. Deeply or violently bitter
  • elude
    To avoid skillfully, to evade; to escape the perception, understanding, or grasp of. To defy
  • innuendo
    A hint or insinuation; an oblique reference, slyly or subtly derogatory remark
  • irrevocable
    Not possible to revoke, unalterable
  • nondescript
    Belonging or appearing to belong to no particular class or kind; not easily described. Lacking distinctive or interesting qualities, dull
  • pungent
    Having an intense flavor or odor; causing a sharp or irritating sensation, acrid
  • verbatim
    In the exact words; word-for-word
  • visceral
    Felt in or as if in the internal organs of the body; deep. Instinctive, not intellectual. Dealingwith crude or elemental emotions. Relating to or located on the viscera (internal organs)