The 'Plum Pudding' model proposed that atoms were positively charged masses with electrons embedded inside them.
Rutherford's Finding #1
Most of the alpha particles passed through unaffected therefore the atom is largely empty space and most of its matter is concentrated in a space much smaller than the atom.
Rutherford's Finding #2
Some alpha particles deviated at large angles, so these alpha particles must have experience a repulsive force from a nearby concentration of positive charge. The positive charge is concentrated in this small mass within the atom.
Rutherford's Finding #3
Around 1/8000 alpha particles deflected by more than 90 degrees. These alpha particles must have collided into something much more massive than an alpha particle.
Nuclear reactions are when protons and neutrons rearrange.
The three types of nuclear reactions are: fission, fusion, and decay.
A nuclide is a distinct atom/nucleus determined by its specific number of protons and neutrons.
A nuclide will be unstable when it has too few neutrons, too many neutrons, or too much energy.
An unstable nuclide (parent nuclide) will emit radiation to form a daughter nuclide that is more stable. The daughter nuclide and radiations are called decay products.
Beta decay is when a neutron decays to form a proton and releases a beta particle (electron). Beta particles travel at the speed of light.
An alpha particle is a helium nucleus that has two protons and two neutrons.
Gamma particles are called photons. Gamma rays are an electromagnetic wave so they travel at the speed of light.
Background radiation is the radiation that naturally arises from cosmic rays or isotopes in soil and the air or medical rests for example.
An absorber is a material that prevents radiation from passing through it.
Activity is the number of radioactive emissions/counts per second
Alpha emission is the release of Alpha particles from unstable heavy nucleus
An alpha particle is a nucleus of a Helium atom (2 protons + 2 neutrons)
An atom is a single unit of an element that can exist
Becquerel is the unit for measuring radiation (the number of 'counts' per second)
Beta emission is when a neutron coverts to a proton in the nucleus, emitting an electron
A beta particle is a high energy (fast moving) electron that is emitted from the nucleus during beta decay.
Cathode rays are negatively charged particles (electrons) that are emitted from the negative terminal (cathode) of a vacuum glass tube.
A cell mutation is a change in the function of a living cell that can be caused by ionising radiation.
A chain reaction is a self sustaining reaction where some of the products are able to produce more reactions of the same kind (e.g. nuclear fission)
Control rods are used to slow down the rate of nuclear fission in a nuclear power station.
Controlled nuclear fission is the slow and steady production of nuclear power
Dalton's model: Each element is made up of indivisible parts called atoms. All atoms of the same element are identical.
A gamma emission/ray is a high energy electromagnetic wave that is emitted from unstable nuclei
A Geiger counter is a device used to measure the radioactivity of different materials.
Half life is the time taken for half the isotopes in a radioactive sample to decay.
Ionisation is the ability of a nuclear radiation to remove an electron off an atom, making it an ion.
Nuclear fission is the splitting of a larger unstable nucleus into two more stable ones, releasing energy.
Nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction joining two smaller nuclei to make a bigger nucleus.
A nuclear reactor is a steel vessel in which controlled nuclear reactions take place, releasing heat energy.
Nucleons are particles that exist in a nucleus (protons or neutrons)
Zinc sulphide is a material that flashes when radiation hits it.
John Dalton discovered that:
-All matter is made up of atoms
-Atoms of a particular element all have the same properties
-Atoms of different elements have different properties
J.J. Thompson discovered:
-The 'Plum Pudding Model'
Rutherford discovered:
-An atom is made up of mostly empty space
-The nucleus is a positively charged mass located in the centre of an atom