Erosion is the movement or removal of rock fragments by wind, water, ice, or gravity.
Weathering is the breakdown of rocks into smaller pieces without moving them.
weathering of glaciers is a process whereby the glacier erodes the rock
glacial erosion occurs when the weight of the glacier causes it to crush and grind against the bedrock below
Plucking is process of erosion that occcus during glaciation As ice and glaciers move, they scrape along the surrounding rock and pull away pieces of rock which causes erosion.
abrasion is caused by the friction between the rock surface and the sediment carried within the glacier
a tarn is a lake formed in a corrie
a corrie is a steep sided valley that is formed by glaciers
a hanging valley is formed by deep erosion of glaciers
truncated spur is are landforms that occur in glaciated areas where the glacier has retreated
Moraines are formed by glacial meltwater and debris carried by glaciers.
A terminal moraine is a ridge of material deposited at the end of a glacier
plucking creates a steep back wall and abrasion further deepens the hollow where the corrie is created
An arête is knife edge ridge formed when two Corries are back to back
a pyramidal peak is formed when 3 or 4 corries meet around a mountain
landform is something that forms over land
A cirque is a bowl shaped depression at the head of a valley, it has been carved out by glacial action
The cirque is made up of a U-shaped valley with a flat floor and steep sides
A large glacier eroded thought the v shaped valley creating it into a u shapwd valley
two main types of erosion are plucking and abrasian
abrasion is where rock fragments carried along by the glaciers rub against the surface of the bedrock causing it to wear down
plucking is where ice picks up rocks from the bedrock below and carries them away