-ensure the production ,maturation, and delivery of sperm for reproduction
-continue to the development of male sexual characteristics
-2 major functions (to reproduce and urination)
Functions of Male Reproductive System
-production and delivery of sperm for fertilization
-responsible fordelivering sperm to the female reproductive tract during sexual intercourse
-ensure the production ,maturation ,fertilization of an egg and contribute to the continuation of the species
-protects your testicles
-provide a sort of "climate control"
-produce testosterone and sperm
-male reproductive cell or gamete
-produced in a process called spermatogenesis
-long coiled tube on the back of each testicles
-stores sperm cells(mature sperms)
Pubic Bone
-most forward-facing bone of the pelvic bone that protects urinary organs and internal sex organs
-end of the large intestine ,a continuation of the sigmoid colon and connects to the anus
-external organ used to urinate , sex, and reproduction
Vas Deferens
-long muscular tube that transports mature sperms
Seminal Vesicles
-sac likes pouches and it make 80% of your ejaculatory including fructose
-provide liquid
-energy source for sperm
Ejaculatory Ducts
-where they collect fluid to add semen
Prostate Gland
-walnut sized ,adds additional fluid to ejaculate and helps nourish the sperm
-gives nutrition to the sperm (white color)
Bulbourethral Gland
-pea sized structured, creates a clear ,slippery fluid that empties directly into the urethra
-act as a mop to sweep away remaining urine in a urethra of a boy
-carries pee or ejaculates sperm
-signaling molecules produced by endocrine glands
-crucial for regulating various physiological processes
Follicle Stimulating Hormone
-stimulates sertoli cells in the testes supporting the development and maturation of sperm cells
Luteinizing Hormone
-necessary to continue the process of spermatogenesis by stimulating leydig cells to produce testosterone
-main sex hormone in men
-support sperm production , contributes to the development pf secondary sexual characteristics ,maintains bone density and muscle mass , influences libido , sexual function and plays a role in mood , energy and metabolism