an author's expression of his/her ownopinion on a particular issue wintout presenting enough evidences
Unfair presentation of the issue, focuses on oneside
fair presentation of the issue,
Focuses on bothsides
is a statement that is true and can be verifiedobjectively, or proven.
-can be observed through RESEARCHES or STUDIES.
is based on your own feeling, thinking, and judgment.
-others may agree or disagree with an opinion but they cannot be prove or disapprove it.
a type of opinion-marking signal that express your own personal opinion on someone/something.
ex: in my opinion...
Expressing personalopinion
a type of opinion-markingsignal that describes/express general opinion.
ex: Some people say that...
a type of opinion-marking signal that is agreeing to someone's very own opinion about something. (self explanatory)
a type of opinion-markingsignal that is also self explanatory and can be disagreeing to an opinion
Disagreeing to an opinion
a technique that appeals to the emotions of people or influence the altitude for them to believe or be convinced in doingsomething.
urges people to believe that everyone is buying it; Therefore, you should do the same.
a Technique wherein a famous or seemingly authorative person recommends a product/ service and vouches for its value.
use of commonpeople to sell or To promote & product /service.
Plain folks
repeating a product's name atleast four times.
words that will make a consumer feel strongly about someone or something are used.
Emotional words
cause to a largely preceived negativerepresentation. It also use names that evoke fear/hatred in the viewer by linking a person or idea to a negative symbol