SAS 20

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  • Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS) is a professional who analyzes biological specimens and performs scientific testing on samples, reporting results to physicians
  • Scientific testing is the process of conducting experiments and analyses on patient samples to gather data and information
  • Biological specimens are samples of living organisms or their products, such as blood, urine, or tissue, used for laboratory analysis
  • Microscopes are sophisticated equipment used by medical laboratory scientists to magnify and examine specimens at a microscopic level
  • Diagnostic testing is performed by medical laboratory scientists to identify and diagnose medical conditions in patients
  • Treatment monitoring is the process of regularly testing and analyzing patient samples to assess the effectiveness of therapy or treatment
  • Collaboration involves a close working relationship between medical laboratory scientists, physicians, and medical laboratory technicians in diagnosing and monitoring disease processes
  • Medical laboratory scientists have a wide variety of responsibilities and duties, including:
    • Examining and analyzing blood, body fluids, tissues, and cells
    • Relaying test results to physicians
    • Utilizing microscopes, cell counters, and other high-precision lab equipment
    • Cross matching blood for transfusion
    • Monitoring patient outcomes
  • Medical laboratory scientists have a wide variety of responsibilities and duties, including:
    • Performing differential cell counts looking for abnormal cells to aid in the diagnosis of anemia and leukemia
    • Establishing quality assurance programs to monitor and ensure the accuracy of test results
    • Overseeing the work of a medical laboratory technician
  • Clinical Chemistry involves the chemical analysis of body fluids
  • Blood Bank Technology includes the collection and preparation of blood products for transfusion
  • Cytotechnology focuses on the study of human body cells
  • Hematology is the study of blood cells
  • Histology is the study of human tissue
  • Microbiology involves the study of bacteria and other microorganisms
  • Immunology is the study of the human immune system
  • In large hospitals, workers are hired specifically for the day, evening, or night shift
  • In commercial laboratories that operate continuously, workers are hired specifically for the day, evening, or night shift
  • Some smaller laboratories also operate 24 hours a day
  • Laboratory personnel in small facilities are likely to work on rotating shifts rather than regular shifts
  • In some facilities, laboratory personnel are required to be on call several nights a week
  • Clinical laboratory scientists are trained to work with infectious specimens
  • It is of the utmost importance that they handle specimens properly to ensure that neither staff nor other test specimens become contaminated by disease-causing organisms
  • When they follow proper methods of control and sterilization, few hazards of infection exist
  • Laboratories generally are well lighted and clean
  • The work can create emotional stress as well as physical stress because treatment options often depend on quick and accurate analysis of laboratory specimens
  • The Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology (BS MT) is a four-year degree program that equips students with knowledge and skills in laboratory tests used in the detection, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases
  • Bachelor's degree programs in medical technology include substantial coursework in chemistry, biological sciences, microbiology, and mathematics, with the final component of coursework devoted to acquiring the knowledge and skills used in the clinical laboratory
  • In addition to basic science, many programs offer or require coursework in management, business, and computer applications
  • Students who want to pursue a degree in Medical Technology are encouraged to take the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) strand under the Academic Track
  • Graduates of BS in Medical Technology are expected to be able to perform technical clinical laboratory tests in aid of diagnosis, treatment, and management of diseases, think analytically and critically in the workplace, participate in improving the health care management system by engaging in the collection, analysis, and projection of health information, apply medical technology research skills and methodologies, and abide with ethical practices and standard procedures of the profession
  • During the fourth year of the program, students are required to attend an On-the-Job Training (OJT) in various clinical and hospital laboratories
  • To become a Licensed Medical Technologist in the Philippines, a graduate of BS in Medical Technology needs to pass the Medical Technology Board Examination
  • Aptitudes
    • Ability to perform complex laboratory procedures
    • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
    • Ability to work well under stress. •Excellent communication skills
    • Ability to work independently as well as with others
    • High level of integrity and responsibility. •Good organizational skills
  • Aptitudes:
    • Accuracy, dependability, and the ability to work under pressure
    • Close attention to details is essential because small differences or changes in tests, substances, or numerical readouts can be critically important for patient care. •Manual dexterity and normal color vision are highly desirable.
    • With the widespread use of automated laboratory equipment, mechanical, electronic, and computer skills are especially important.
    • In addition, technologists in particular are expected to be good at problem solving and to have strong interpersonal communication skills