understanding the self

Cards (67)

  • Plato is the founder of western spirituality
  • Academy in athens is the first institution of higher learning in western world
  • Plato stated that the psyche or mind has three
    The Appetite - pleasure desires
    The Spirited- the mostly agitated part
    The Mind- conscious awareness
  • Kant was born in Prussia and he was a great
    contributor in modern western philosophy.
  • Kant was known for his theory
    'Respect for Self'
  • The Inner Self- the intellect and the
    psychological being;
  • The Outer Self- the senses and the
    physical self; the body
  • Socrates is A classical Greek philosopher and a pioneer in Western
    moral philosophy.
  • Socratic Method:
    "An unexamined life is not worth living."
  • Virtue- refers to the deepest and most basic
    propensity of man.
  • Self-Knowledge- is the source of all wisdom.
  • Socratic
    Problem/ Socratic Question which seeks to to
  • Rene Descartes is The father of Modern Western Philosophy.
    He was a French scientific thinker,
    mathematician and philosopher who
    developed the Cartesian philosophy.
  • Cartesian Philosophy holds that mental
    acts determine physical acts.
  • Famous Principle of Descartes:
    "Cogito , ergo sum "which means "I think, therefore I am.
  • John Locke was a prominent thinker during the
    "Age of Reason
  • John Locke is an english philosopher and a physician
    and is remarkably known as the "Father of Liberalism "as he had posited the Theory of Mind.
  • Locke developed the concept of 'Tabula
    Rasa' which means mind is a blank slate.
  • Personal Identity - refers to the concept
    about oneself that evolves over the course of
    an individual's life.
  • Personal identity is founded on
    consciousness (memory) and not on the
    substance of either the soul or the body.
  • David Hume is A prime mover in Western Philosophy
    He is a Scottish philosopher from Edinburgh, known for
    his insights on the psychological basis of human
  • Reason is only the slave of passion.
  • The theory of david is The Self is the Bundle Theory of Mind
  • Gilbert Ryle is a british philosopher who coined the phrase "the ghost in the machine"
  • "The concept of mind" by ryle explains how mental states are inseperable from physical states
  • Paul Montgomery Churchland is from vancouver Canada who argued that nothing but matter exists
  • " nothing but matter exists" also known as materialism
  • thalamus is involved in functioning of human conciousness
  • Maurice Merleau Ponty wrote "Phenomenologie de la Perception"
  • " The primacy of perception" is the body is central to one's perception
  • Consciousness is primarily not matter of ' I think' that but of 'I can'
  • Saint Augustine of Hippo was a Christian Philosopher
    who have greatly contributed to the progress of
    Western Christianity.
  • Dynamism of Love:
    Virtuous Life and Wicked Life
  • Virtuous Life - constant following of and turning
    towards love.
  • Wicked Life- Constant turning away from love.
  • Justice:
    Golden Principle: Do unto others as you would
    have them do unto you.
  • Two-Fold Process: Concept of Self-Representation
    leading to Self-Realization.
  • Formation of identity is achieved through the process
    of 'Instrospection' or Self-Analysis.
  • Johari Window Model is developed by American psychologists Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham.
  • OPEN
    How one sees the self is similar
    to that perceived by the
    significant others.
    The Public Self