For cheek cells with IKI solution, what parts can be seen under the microscope?
Nucleus, nucleolus, & cytoplasm
Plastids - are a group of closely related organelles that are unique to photosynthetic eukaryotes which function for storage and synthesis of different macromolecules
What are the (3) main types of plastids?
Chloroplasts, chromoplasts, & leucoplasts
What plastid can be found in a leaf s.s.?
What plastid can be seen over a ripe tomato or bell pepper skin that contain orange dots?
In potato sections stained with IKI, what plastid can be seen which contain darkly-stained starch granules?
Cilium - involved in cell locomotion that has short hair-like protrusions
Flagellum - involved in locomotion and is longer than cilia and whip-like
Protozoans - informally regarded as "animal-like protists"
In hay infusion, what are locomotory organelles typically found in protozoans like Paramecium, Tetrahymena, or Coleps?
ciliates, flagellates
In plants, the waste products form crystals which form either within the central vacuole or outside the cell.
What are the different shapes/structures observed in calcium oxalate crystals?
raphides, styloid, druse, prismatic
What are the different shapes/structures observed in calcium carbonate crystals?
club-like cystoliths, worm-like cystoliths
What component of the middle lamella is rich in?
When the fruit ripens, what enzyme is involved in the dissolution of pectin in the middle lamella?
What pigment does the central vacuole store?
What pigment gives chloroplast its green color?
What pigment gives chromoplasts their orange/red color?
Amyloplasts - more specific leucoplasts that are non-pigment/colorless which are found in tubers of starchy food.
Among the following protozoans: Sperm cell, Paramecium, Trichomonas, Giarda and Euglena, which have cilia as their locomotory organelle?
What calcium oxalate crystals can be seen in a dumb cane sp. leaf midrib s.s.?
What calcium oxalate crystals can be seen in a boat of moses sp. leaf s.s.?
Prismatic, styloid
What calcium carbonate crystal can be seen in a Ficus sp. leaf x.s.?
Club-like cystolith
What calcium carbonate crystal can be seen in a Pilea microphylla(angeloweed) leaf w.m.?