transtheoretical model

Cards (12)

  • transtheoretical model - DiClemente
    states that there are stages of change which a person needs to go through in order to change a behaviour
  • stages of change
  • precontemplation
    being in denial or being unaware of the problem behaviour
  • contemplation
    weighing up the pros and cons of change
  • preparation
    start to collect information about changing behaviours
  • action
    people may take measurements to establish their successes
  • maintenance
    the actions taken may become 'habitual' and temptations continue to be avoided
  • relapse
    this can happen at any stage, and relapse can be disappointing but it can help the person to overcome their problems
  • eval
    -the theory only focuses on the individual in relation to behaviour change. It doesnt recognise the role of external factors
  • eval
    -there is no set criteria to know what stage a person is in, so can be unreliable
  • eval
    -the model assumes that an individual is logical and coherent in their decision making
  • AVEYARD et al
    found that the effectiveness of TTM based interventions was not explained by the fact that these matched the stage in the TTM to the type of intervention given