RomanPhilosopherLucretiusandGirolamoFracastoro suggested that diseaseswerecausedbyinvisiblelivingcreatures
Francesco Stelluti made the earliest microscopic observations on bees and weevils using a microscope probably supplied by Galileo
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek is considered the "First true microbiologist" and used his self-made lens microscope with 50-300x magnification to study protozoans and bacteria
Aristotle mentioned Spontaneous Generation - life arose from non-living matter
Francesco Redi demonstrated that maggots do not arise spontaneously from decaying meat
John Needham observed microorganisms in boiled mutton broth, proposing that organic matter possessed a "vital force" that could give rise to life
Lazzaro Spallanzani improved Needham's experiments by heating broth in sealed jars, concluding that air carried microorganisms to the culture medium
Rudolf Virchow proposed Biogenesis - living cells can only arise from preexisting living cells
Theodore Schwann observed no growth in a flask containing nutrient solution after allowing air to pass through a red-hot tube
Louis Pasteur resolved the issue of spontaneous generation, showing that microorganisms can contaminate sterile solutions but do not originate from the air
Ferdinand Cohn demonstrated the presence of heat-resistant bacterial spores in boiled flasks
John Tyndall showed that dust carries germs that contaminate sterile broth, introducing "Tyndallization" as a sterilization method
Theodore Schwann stated that yeast cells convert sugars to alcohol, while Pasteur described fermentation by yeast in the absence of air
Pasteurization, heating beer and wine to kill bacteria, was proposed by Pasteur
Charles Chamberland created a porcelain bacterial filter and developed anthrax vaccine with Pasteur
Ignatz Semmelwels demonstrated that routine hand washing can prevent the spread of disease
Joseph Lister developed the antiseptic system of surgery, introducing hand washing and phenol as an antimicrobial agent
Robert Koch established the Germ Theory of Disease, proving that bacteria cause diseases and developing Koch's Postulates
Collaborators of Koch, Fannle Hesse suggested the use of agar, and Julius Richard Petri developed the Petri dish
Edward Jenner experimented with cowpox to protect against smallpox, while Louis Pasteur used the term "vaccine" for preventive inoculation
Emil von Behring prepared antitoxins for diphtheria and tetanus
Alexander Fleming accidentally discovered penicillin antibiotic and the enzyme lysozyme
Howard Florey and Ernst Chain purified penicillin, and Edward Abraham proposed the correct biochemical structure of penicillin
Paul Ehrlich discovered salvarsan for syphilis treatment
Chemotherapy is the treatment of disease using chemical substances, including synthetic drugs and antibiotics
Taxonomy is a formal system for organizing, classifying, and naming living things, based on genotype and phenotype similarities
The classification system includes Domain, Kingdom, Division, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species
Carl von Linne laid down the basic rules for taxonomic categories using the binomial system
Bacterial morphology, structure, and classification involve organizing microorganisms with similar traits into specific groups based on morphologic, physiologic, and genetic similarities
Martinus Beljerinck and Sergle Winogradsky developed the enrichment-culture technique and introduced the use of selective media
Taxonomy hierarchy:
Naming microorganisms according to established rules and guidelines
Genus name capitalized, species epithet lowercase
Genus and species italicized in print, underlined in script
Group names not capitalized or underlined
Process of delineating key features of a microorganism
Discovering and recording traits for taxonomic placement
Genotypic characteristics:
Relates to organism's genetic makeup
Detection of genes or RNA products
Confirmatory method for organism presence
Phenotypic characteristics:
Based on features beyond genetic level
Includes observable characteristics and those requiring extensive analysis