Total number of individuals or people, living in a particular area or region. (organism)
It plays a crucial role in understanding social dynamics, resource allocation, and planning for the future.
Social Dynamics refers to the patterns and interactions that occur within a group or society. (how they behave, interact, and influence each other)
World population - 8.1 billion people (as of 2024 )
Most populated country (India) - 1,428,627,663
2nd (China) - 1,425,671,352
3rd (USA) - 339,996,563
13th (Philippines) - 117,337,368
Least populated country (from WorldAtlas)
Vatican City, Population: 799
Nauru, Population: 11,232
Optimum Population - # of resources match the population in area
Malthusian Theory of Population:
Was proposed by Thomas Robert Malthus, suggests that population growth tends to outpace the growth of resources, leading to potential imbalances.
Malthus identified two types of checks: Preventive checks and positive checks. Preventive checks include practices such as delayed marriage, abstinence, and contraception, which can help control population growth. Positive checks, on the other hand, refer to factors such as disease, famine, and war, which can reduce population through higher mortality rates.
Preventive checks refer to behaviors that individuals can adopt to limit population growth before it reaches unsustainable levels.
Positive checks refer to factors or events that naturally limit population growth by increasing mortality rates or reducing fertility rates.
MalthusianCatastrophe: Malthus warned that if population growth is left unchecked and resources are not effectively managed, it would eventually lead to a "Malthusiancatastrophe," characterized by widespread famine, disease, and suffering.
Malthus' theory of a population-induced catastrophe has been proven incorrect. Technological advancements, agricultural improvements, healthcare access, and economic development have prevented the dire consequences he predicted.
POPCOM - Commission on Population and Development (new name - CPD) Republic act 6365
Populationmanagement and familyplanning
Policyadvocacy - advocates policies that address population issues such as responsible parenthood and reproductive health.
+++ AdolescentHealth and Development (AHD) with the goal of preventing repeated pregnancies among Filipino youth.
targets young people aged 10 to 24 years. (involves sexual and reproductive health, mental health nutrition, education, and life skill)
A concern to youth
+++ ResponsibleParenthood and FamilyPlanning (RPFP) with the goal of a wide range of knowledge of family planning methods, responsible parenthood, and promoting informed decision making skills.
+++ targets couples of reproductive age, including marriage life and those in partnership.
Responsible Parenthood and Family Planning
Current birth rate for the Philippines
(2023) - 19.579 per 1000 people, 1.01% decline from 2022.
(2022) - 19.778 per 1000 people, 1% decline from 2021.
(2021) - 19.978 per 1000 people, 0.99% decline from 2020.
7,487 births average per day (311.95 in an hour)
2, 091 deaths average per day (87.14 in an hour)
life expectancy - refers to the # of years a person expects to live.
Philippines: (71.66 a year - 2023)
Hongkong: (85.83)
Macao: (85.51)
Japan: (84.91)
Why does life expectancy increase or decrease? Socioeconomic factors and environmental factors
VAWC - Anti-violence against women and their children or ra 9262 of 2004 (refers to crime involving physical, sexual, physiological harm or suffering to women and children.) + Domestic violence, economic abuse
CEDAW or convention on elimination of all forms of discrimination against women. (It eliminates discrimination against women in all areas and promotes equal rights for women)
was signed on july 15, 1980 and ratified on august 51981. first country in ASEAN to do so. As of May 15, CEDAW has been ratified by 189 states.
Anti Discrimination Law ra6725 -
Anti-discrimination laws promote equal treatment and protect individuals from discrimination in areas such as employment, education, housing, public services, and public accommodation. They ensure equal opportunities, fair treatment, and access to essential services without discrimination based on protected characteristics like race, gender, disability, age, religion, or other factors.
For gender-based discrimination in a workplace:
+++ Based on the labor code law of the Philippines, article 135 specifically in section 3 states that it is unlawful for an employer to discriminate against any employee.
Does allow exceptions based on the nature of the job. (not based on the belief that women are weak but rather a concern for their safety.)
How to know if a job has exceptions for employment?
(It may vary based on location, industry, and job duties)
Pregnancy and MaternityProtection (Maternity leave) it allows women pregnant women to take time off from work
PaternityLeave - 7 days leave
On average, men tend to have highermusclemass than women due to hormonal differences (higher level of testosterone which promotes muscle growth.)
Men tend to have a higher proportion of type II muscle fiber types (associated with strength and power)