Torah strongly favours the man because the woman had noright under religious law to obtain a divorce - “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery“ - No
”whatGod has joined together let no one seperate.” - Once a couple is married, they have been joined together by God Himself, and the union is meant to be for life as they have committed to each other through wedding vows. - Yes
Marriage is a sacrament. For example, during the reciting of wedding views it says "till death do us part" emphasising that marriage should be for life as it is a long life commitment of their neverendinglove for each other.
"They may fulfill God's purposes for the whole of their earthly lifetogether"- The partners of a marriage are bonded together for the rest of their lives and their relationship has God'sblessing.
Marriage is a gift from God; it's part of God’s plan for creation that men and women should live together it provides a relationship through which husband and wife support each other; this relationship is built on love and faithfulness (covenant relationship.) It provides a secure environment for the bringing up of children.