Cards (37)

  • Non-continuous noise of irregular pulses or spikes of duration with high amplitudes is called JITTER
  • Shannon-Hartley Theorem sets a limit on the maximum capacity of a channel with a given noise level
  • Quantizing noise occurs in PCM
  • Noise always affects the signal in a communications system at the CHANNEL
  • Noise is the random and unpredictable electric signals from natural causes, both internal and external to the system
  • Noise from random acoustic or electric noise that has equal energy per cycle over a specified total frequency band can be:
    • Gaussian Noise
    • White Noise
    • Thermal Noise
  • Quantization noise in a PCM system is caused by the approximation of the quantized signal
  • A limiter is a particular circuit that rids FM of noise
  • The reference noise temperature in degrees Celsius is 17
  • Unwanted radio signal on an assigned frequency is referred to as NOISE
  • Noise Factor is the reliable measurement for comparing amplifier noise characteristics
  • White Noise is measured on a circuit when it is correctly terminated but does not have any traffic
  • CCIT G. 151 recommends crosstalk limits
  • CCIT REC. G. 172 is utilized in intermodulation noise rates on PCM audio channels
  • The reference frequency of CCIT phosphomeric noise measurement is 800 Hz
  • Reference temperature used in noise analysis is 290 KELVIN
  • Noise produced by lightning discharges in thunderstorms is called ATMOSPHERIC NOISE
  • Man-made noise is usually from transmission over power lines and by ground wave
  • Industrial noise frequency is between 15 to 160 MHz
  • External noise fields are measured in terms of peak values
  • Form of interference caused by rain or dust storms is precipitation static
  • Thermal noise is an electric noise produced by thermal agitation of electrons in conductor and semiconductor
  • Crosstalk is the interference coming from other communications channels
  • Reference noise level is -90 dBm
  • Unit of noise power of psophometer is pWp
  • A large emission of hydrogen from the sun that affects communications is a solar flare
  • Atmospheric noise is known as static noise
  • Standard design reference for environmental noise temperature is 290 Kelvin
  • Absolute temperature in Kelvin is ˚C +273
  • If bandwidth is doubled, the signal power is not changed
  • One or more sources of noise bearing on electronic communications are galaxies and internal combustion engine
  • The transmitter technique adopted to reduce the noise effect is preemphasis
  • Deemphasis in the receiver in effect attenuates modulating signal components and noise in the high frequency range
  • Atmospheric noise or static is not a great problem at frequencies above 30 MHz
  • Proper procedure for suppressing electrical noise in a mobile station is to apply shielding and filtering where necessary
  • Noise generated that primarily determines the signal-to-noise ratio in a VHF (150 MHz) marine-band receiver is in the receiver front end