Photosynthesis And Limiting factors

Cards (10)

  • Photosynthesis uses energy to change carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen
  • photosynthesis is endothermic energy is absorbed from the environment in the process.
  • 6CO2 + 6H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6O2
  • plants use glucose to respire. the plant converts glucose into othr useful substances
  • the plants uses glucose to make cellulose. glucose is converted cellulose to to make strong cell walls
  • glucose is used to make amino acids - glucose is combined with nitrate ions to make amino acids which are then made to proteins
  • glucose is stored as oils or fats - glucose is turned into lipids for storing in seeds
  • glucose is stored as starch - glucose is turned into starch and stored in roots, leaves and stems, ready for use when photosynthesis isn't happening
  • The rate of photosynthesis is affected by the intensity of light, concentration of CO2 and temperature
  • chlorophyll can also be a limiting factor. chlorophyll can be limited by plant disease or lack of nutrients