Nuclear Fusion - A process where the nuclei of atoms
join and emit
energy as light,
heat and other
ApparentMagnitude Scale - A measurement of
a celestial object's
brightness when
viewed from Earth
(the more positive
the number the
dimmer the star).
Absolute Magnitude Scale - A measurement of a celèstial object's
brightness if
viewed from the
same distance: a
measure of a
celestial object's
actual brightness
or luminosity.
Hertzs-prung--Russel Diagram (HR) - A graph that plots a star's temperature
on the X-axis and
magnitude on the
MainSequence - A diagonal band most stars fall into
when plotted on the
HR Diagram.
Speed of Light - Light travels at 300,000 km/s
Light-Year - The distance that light travels in a
year (9,500,000,0-
00,000 km).
Parsec - Approx. 3.26 light-- years.
Parallax - The effect where an object appears
to move when
viewed from twWo
different positions.
Galaxy - A group of stars held together by
their gravity,
galaxies form three
shapes, elliptical,
spiral and irregular.
Constellation - An imaginary picture in the night
sky made up of
Nebula - A cloud of gas and dust held together
by the gravity of the
hydrogen atoms
within it.
Protostar - When the center of a nebula heats up
and pressure
Hydrostatic Equilibrium - The baiance of the forces of a star's
Red Giant - Hydrogen decreases, gravity
is stronger than
energy output, a
and energy
new type of
nuclear fusion
begins, releasing
more energy,
reaching a new
hydrostatic equili-
brium and cooling
to red.
Planetary Nebula - Helium supply decreases in a red
giant and the outer
region fades to a
White Dwarf - The core of a planetary nebula
Continues nuclear
fusion, increases
energy rate and
temperature to get
a small, white hot
Black Dwarf - The result of a white dwarf
cooling and fading
Red Superagiant - A continuation of the red giant until iron is formed,
resulting in a
much larger, red
Supernova - The event where a
red supergiant
runs out of energy
and coliapses.
resulting in a large
expiosive death.
Neutron Star - The aftermath of a
Supernova with a
mass of less than
3 solar masSes, an
incredibly dense
star with a
diameter of only
tens of kilometers.
Black Hole - The result of a Supernova with a
mass greater than
3 solar masses, a
region of space
with an extrao-
rdinary gravitational pull and
density that even
light cannot
Absorption Spectrum - A spectrum with lines missing from
the pattern due to
elements of the
star absorbing their
light wavelengths,
therefore removing
them from the