Cards (15)

    1. Menu Browser
    is a client-software that lets users read or scan documents on the World Wide Web.
  • Quick Access Toolbar - is located along the top of the application window jabove or below the ribbon) and provides direct access to common or defined set of commands like New, Open, Save, and Plat.
  • Filename - The name of the current file you are working on
  • Menu Bar - is the horizontal
    strip across the top of an hatt Format Took De application's window. Each word on the strip has a context sensitive drop-down menu containing features and actions that are available for the application in use.
  • Search Box - is a tool that allows you to search for a particular data or document in a help file or to weh.
  • Toolbars - provide a single, compact placement for operations/tools that are relevant to the current workspace. By default (in its original settings, it contains the Standard, Layers, Properties and Styles toolbars
  • Command Line Bar - is where you enter the enmmands from the keyboard and where the prompts are diaplayed. It has a text areu where all the previous Comments
    commands are displayed.
  • Tray Settings/Info Bar - quickly search for a variety of information ветств, вссеss product updates and announcements, and save topics in the
    Info Center.
  • WCS - By default when you start a new (blank) drawing you use the World Coordinate System (WCS). This indicates your (0,0,0) point.
  • Draw Toolbar - Draw commands can be used to create new objects such as lines and circles. Most AutoCAD drawings are
    composed purely and simply from these hasic components
  • Modify Toolbar - in used to modify the basic drawing objects in some
    way to suit the image you need. AutoCAD provides a whole range of
    modify tools such as Move,
    Cupy, Rotate and Mirror.
  • Drawing Area-
    is the place where your drawings are displayed and modified.
  • UCS - in found at the bottom left hand corner of the AutoCAD drawing window. You will see a symbol like the one shown on the right. This is called the UCS (User Coordinate System) icon and it is there to remind you
  • Crosshairs is a type of cursor consisting of two lines that intersect and are used to locate points and selects objects in your drawing.
  • Status Bar - displays the coordinate location of your crosshairs and the current settings of grid, anap, and uther drawing aids.