
Cards (6)

  • 'If you're easy with me, I'm easy with you'

    Symbolic of the message of equality
    Treats all characters equally regardless of class and gender
  • 'Don't stammer and yammer at me again, man'
    Shows the Inspector having a complete lack of respect for Mr Birling despite the fact that he is his social superior
    Colloqualism introduced further reflects the Inspectors loss of patience
  • 'There are millions and millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths'
    Hyperbole to represent the victims of exploitation
    Explains the massive social responsibility that the Birling's have
    Polysyndeton - exploitation cycle is never-ending unless there is an impactful change
    Extended metaphor shows how widespread the Birling's actions can be
  • 'Fire and blood and anguish'
    Polysyndeton - prolonged repercussions if the Birlings do not change their ideologies and accept social responsibility
    Semantic field of hell which puts more fear in the audience due to their deeply religious nature
    Potentially shows how the capitalist ways led to the war
  • 'If there's nothing else, we will have to share our guilt'
    Refers to both a shared responsibility of Eva Smith's death and to our collective responsibility for others like Eva Smith
  • 'Public men, Mr Birling, have responsibilities as well as privileges'
    States that people in power have a duty of responsibility which Mr Birling is blatantly neglecting