
Cards (1)

  • The End of It: "Let him in! It is a mercy he didn't shake his arm off. He was at home in five minutes...wonderful party, wonderful games, wonderful unanimity, won-der-ful happiness!"

    Interpretation: Whilst Scrooge's redemption has a profound effect on him, it also has a significant impact on those around him - Fred gains an uncle and Tim a "second father".

    Analysis: The repetition of "wonderful" emphasises the joyous, vibrant fun of the scene, and the structure of "won-der-ful" creates a tone of overwhelming happiness. "Let him in" and "at home" are images of complete and total inclusion Scrooge is accepted into the family instantly by Fred, highlighted by the vigorous "shake his arm off". Scrooge has changed his behaviour, shown by "party" and "games", but also his mindset, joining others in "unanimity".