Renewable energy refers to forms of energy that cannot be depleted or are quick to regenerate, including solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, biomass, and ocean energy
Geothermal Power Plant utilizes heat energy from high pressure steam within the earth, derived from rainwater heated about 180oC by subterranean hot rocks
Diesel Power Plant is installed where coal and water supply is insufficient, generating power in small quantities or as standby sets for continuity of supply
Gas Turbine Power Plant uses a gas turbine as the principal prime mover, with air compressed in a compressor, heat energy added by burning fuel, and power generated as the fluid expands in the turbine unit
Grid Code ensures safe, reliable, secured, and efficient operation, maintenance, and development of the high voltage backbone transmission system and its related facilities
Grid refers to the high voltage backbone system of interconnected transmission lines, substations, and related facilities for the conveyance of bulk power
Generation Company or Generator is authorized by ERC to operate a facility used in the generation of electricity, such as Independent Power Producers (IPP)
Ancillary Service includes Frequency Regulating and Contingency Reserves, Reactive Power Supports, and Black Start Capability to support transmission capacity and energy for maintaining Power Quality and Grid Reliability
Event: An unscheduled or unplanned occurrence of an abrupt change or disturbances in the power system due to fault, equipment outage, or adverse weather conditions
Emergency: Grid operating condition when multiple outage contingency has occurred without resulting in a total system blackout and any of the following conditions are present:
Generation deficiency exists
Grid transmission voltages are outside the limits of 0.9 to 1.1
The loading level of any transmission line is above 110% of its continuous rating
Yellow Alert: A notice issued by the system operator when contingency reserve is less than the capacity of the largest synchronized generating unit or power import from a single interconnection whichever is higher
Red Alert: An alert warning issued by the system operator when Grid contingency reserve is zero, a generator deficiency reserve exists or there is critical loading imminent overloading of transmission line or equipment
Load Cycle: Graph showing the relationship between kW or MW demand and actual running time in hours for the period of 24 hours per day of operation of the power plant
Load Duration Curve: Represents load versus time with ordinates arranged in magnitude sequence with the greatest load on the left and least load on the extreme right