Lower demand for labour, lower derived demand, lower AD
Firms marginal profits are lower, firms lay off workers
Structural unemployment
Change in the structure of an industry
Immobility of labour
Occupational- skills mismatch
Geographical- not willing or able to move to where job vaccanies lie
Frictional unemploment
In between jobs, putting off jobs in hope for better opportunity
Causes of falling inactivity rate
Growth of self employment – rise of gig economy, increased flexible working
Rising national minimum wage
Fall in pension incomes due to e.g. low interest rates
Expansion of free childcare – 30 free hours 9 months-4
Falling UE rate
measures of unemployment
claimant count
labour force survey
claimant count method excludes:
People who are only looking for part-time work
People who are not able/willing to visit the local job centre every week and meet criteria for actively seeking work.
People who left their previous job voluntarily.
under 18
labour force survey limitations:
Sample may not be representative
Doesn’t explore those not being able to find employment at their desired wage
Measures of unemployment may be harder to collate in some developing countries if there is no social security system – unemployed workers have no incentive to register
Causes of cyclical unemployment
low business confidence
Strong £
Causes of structural UE
Globalisation leading to deindustrialisation
Technology leading to decline in jobs in retail sector
AI leading to declines in jobs in certain industries