Topic 6 - Nervous System

Cards (25)

  • The PNS includes all other nerves outside of the CNS, including cranial nerves that connect to the brain and spinal nerves that connect to the spinal cord
  • The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord
  • What are the two types of tropism?
    • Tropism is growth in response to a stimuli
    • Phototropism - growth response to light
    • Gravitropism - growth response to gravity
  • Phototropism and IAA
    When shoots grow towards the light it’s an example of positive phototropism
    • IAA moves to the shaded side of the plant
    • The higher concentration of IAA on the shaded side of the shoot causes a faster rate of cell elongation there
    • Causing the shoot to grow/bend towards the light
  • Gravitropism and IAA

    When plants roots grow down (with gravity) it’s an example of positive gravitropism.
    IAA inhibits root growth
    • IAA is actively transported to the region in the root tip where the amyloplasts have sunk
    • The larger concentration of IAA at the lower side of the root inhibits cell elongation
    • As a result, the lower side grows at a slower rate than the upper side of the root
    • This causes the root to bend downwards
  • What is kinesis?
    • Kinesis is a non-directional response to a stimulus
    • The rate of movement of an organism is affected by the intensity of the stimulus
  • What is taxis?
    • Taxis is a directional response to a stimulus
    • The organism moves directly away from or towards the stimulus
  • What are the pacinian corpuscles? and what do they do?
    Receptors found in skin,tendons, ligaments which respond to changes in pressure.
    • Has stretch mediated sodium channels in its membrane
    • When the membrane is stretched and opens allowing Na+ diffuse through causing a generator potential
    • Size of generator potential is proportional to size of stimulus
    • If generator potential is higher than threshold value and action potential is generated (large numbers of Na+ channels open)
  • Rod cells
    • Rod cells contain a pigment called rhodopsin (embedded into discs in the membrane called lamellar)
    • When light hits it rhodopsin becomes bleached
    • The breakdown of the pigment is what triggers a generator potential which can result in an action potential
    • Rhodopsin is then regenerated
  • Rod cells - sensitivity and visual acuity
    • Rhodopsin is broken down after in bright light so is used for seeing at low light intensities.
    • As only one bipolar cell joins onto many Rod cells it means that even though individually they may only breakdown a small amount of rhodopsin together they can stimulate a generator potential
    • Poor visual acuity - many Rod cells converge on one bipolar cell. Meaning many Rod cells can be stimulated but only one action potential would occur
  • Cone cells
    Similar structure to Rod cells
    • Contain a pigment called iodopsin
    • Iodopsin is only broken down by high light intensities
    • Highly concentrated around the fovea
  • Cone cells - sensitivity and visual acuity
    • Each cone cell is connected to a single bipolar cell so have little sensitivity
    • Each cone cell can stimulate an action potential so have high visual acuity
    • Colour vision is a property of cone cells
  • Cone cells and colour vision
    Intensity of colour is determined by the frequency of impulses generated
    Different colours are seen due to the combination and stimulation of cones
  • Reflex arc
    1. Receptor
    2. Sensory neurone
    3. Spinal cord
    4. Relay neurone
    5. Motor neurone
    6. Effector (muscle or gland)
  • What is a reflex action?
    Unconscious, rapid response to a harmful stimulus
  • Explain how a resting potential is maintained across the axon membrane in a neurone.
    • 3Na+ are actively transported out the neurone for every 2K+ that are actively transported in
    • The membrane is permeable to K+ ions so K+ can diffuse back out the membrane
    • Therefor the inside of the neurone is more negative than outside of the cell (-70mv)
  • Explain why the speed of transmission of impulses is faster along a myelinated axon than along a non-myelinated axon
    • Action potential is conducted faster along the myelinated axon it ‘jumps’ from one axon to the next as it conducts enough charge to depolarise the next node.
    • In non-myelinated it moves as a wave through the whole axon making it slower
  • Describe how a heartbeat is initiated and coordinated
    • SAN sends a wave of electrical activity causing the atria to contract
    • Non-conducting tissue prevents immediate contraction of the ventricles
    • AVN delays impulse whilst blood leaves atria
    • AVN sends a wave of electrical activity down Bundle of HIS
    • Causing ventricles to contract from bottom up
  • Factors effecting the speed of conduction
    • Myelination
    • Axon diameter - quicker with larger diameter ( less resistance to the flow of ions so depolarisation reaches other parts of the neurone quicker)
    • Temperature - increases in speed as temperature increases ( ions diffuse faster - until 40°c when they denature so speed decreases )
  • What is a wave of depolarisation? And what causes it?
    When an action potential occurs some Na+ diffuse sideways . Causes Na+ channels in the next part of axon to open.
    So a wave of depolarisation moves along the membrane
  • The refractory period.
    After an action potential another one cannot occur straight away / cannot be excited straight away.
    This is as the ion channels are recovering.
  • Describe the role of receptors and of the nervous system in the increase in heart rate during exercise
    • Chemoreceptors detect the lowering of the pH caused by a rise in CO2 concentration
    • This increases the frequency of impulses sent along the sensory neurone to the medulla oblongata
    • This causes an increase in frequency of impulses sent to SAN via the synthetic node
    • Increasing heart rate
  • Explain how a rise in blood pressure results in a decrease in heart rate
    • Baroreceptors in atria detect the change in blood pressure
    • Impulse sent to medulla oblongata
    • medulla oblongata send impulse via parasympathetic neurone to SAN
    • Acetylcholine binds to receptors on SAN
    • Decrease in impulses sent to AVN
    • Slowing heart rate
    • Preventing high blood pressure
  • Describe the sequence of events involved in transmission across a cholinergic synapse
    • an action potential reaches presynaptic membrane
    • causes voltage-gated Ca2+ channels to open so Ca2+ moves into cytoplasm ove pre-synaptic nerve
    • this stimulates ACh containing vesicles to fuse to pre-syn membrane. ACh moves into synaptic cleft by exocytosis
    • ACh diffuse across cleft and bind to cholinergic receptors on post-syn membrane.
    • causes Na+ channels to open and Na+ causes depolarisation in post-syn nerve
  • Difference between excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters
    Excitatory - depolarise post-syn membrane so an action potential is reached.
    Eg. Acetylcholine
    Inhibitory - binds to receptors causing K+ channels to open causing post-syn membrane to become hyperpolarised
    Eg. GABA