influences of parliment

Cards (23)

  • who makes law - media - law commission - poltical parties - general public
  • poltical influence - political parties publish manifestos - tell the constituents what they want to do
  • eg political influence - get brexit done - bring rights home
  • influence of media - create public opinion of a subject
  • example of media opinion - sarahs law - firearms act - dangerous dogs
  • pressure groups - two types
  • sectional - represent interests of particular groups
  • cause - promote a cause
  • example of pressure groups - greenpeace - league against cruel sports
  • lobbyists - individual tries to persuade someone in parliment to support a particular policy
  • law commission - full time advisory body - refered by lord chancellor
  • codification - bring together the law
  • repeal - identify old acts that are no longer used
  • pros political influence - gov has majoirty so normally passes
  • political cons - will jsut be repealed by new gov
  • media pro - opinion influenced by events - uk has a free press
  • media cons - knee jerk reactions - media manipulates public opinion
  • pressure groups pro - can raise issues of concernt - large party sizes
  • pressure groups cons - conflicting groups - public may not support
  • law commission pro - researched by legal experts
  • law commission cons - doesn't have to listen to lc
  • lobbyists pro - used by anyone - bring to attention of mps
  • lobbyists cons - can abuse power - buy lobbyists