Set 4: Sonic and Rhythmic Devices, Structure

Cards (15)

  • Alliteration: Repetition of consonant sound in the initial position
  • Assonance: Repetition of a vowel sound
  • Consonance: Repetition of a consonant sound in any position
  • Euphony: Soft, pleasing sounds
  • Cacophony: Harsh sounds
  • Onomatopoeia: Word whose sound suggests meaning
  • Metric Feet: spondee, iamb, anapest
  • Amphibrach: Unaccented, accented, unaccented syllable
  • Metric Lines:
    • Ex. Tetrameter
    • Ex. Pentameter
    • Ex. Hexameter stanzas
  • Stanzas:
    • Ex. Couplet
    • Ex. Quatrain
    • Ex. Octave
  • Ballad Stanza: abcb, alternating tetrameter and trimester
  • Rhyme Scheme: End rhyme expressed alphabetically (abbacdcd)
  • Blank Verse: Unrhymed iambic pentameter
  • Free Verse: Poetry with no regular rhyme or rhythm
  • Heroic Couplet: Two rhymed lines of iambic pentameter; complete thought