
Cards (5)

  • Insulin is a hormone released by the pancreas when the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream is too high
  • Insulin binds to cells throughout the body, instructing them to absorb excess glucose and convert it into glycogen
  • This process helps to bring glucose levels back down to normal
  • Type 1 diabetes:
    • Usually occurs in childhood or teenage years
    • Pancreas stops producing insulin or produces very small amounts
    • Main treatment is insulin injections into the abdomen or thigh after meals to regulate blood glucose levels
    • Amount of insulin needed depends on the meal's carbohydrate content and level of exercise
  • Type 2 diabetes:
    • Generally happens to older people with unhealthy diets
    • Cells become resistant to insulin, leading to decreased glucose absorption
    • Giving insulin as a treatment is not effective
    • Main treatment is a healthy, low-sugar diet and regular exercise