
Cards (71)

  • How many grams of carbs are recommended a day for a 2k cal diet?
    130 grams
  • What is the AMDR for carbs?
    45 - 65%
  • What is the role of a carbohydrate?
    provides glucose for energy
  • What is the role of a carbohydrate?
    energy for daily activities
  • What kind of carb containing foods are recommended to be consumed?
    fiber rich carbs
  • When does gluconeogenesis occur?

    where there isn't enough carbs in the body, made from proteins
  • Can amino acids from proteins used for gluconeogenesis not be used for new protein synthesis?
    No, it is dangerous and may cause tissue and/or organ damage
  • What is ketosis?
    occurs when carb intake is to low to supply glucose to the brain
  • When does ketosis happen?
    breakdown of at during fasting, vigorous exercise, or low carb intake
  • What is ketoacidosis?
    excess ketone causes blood acidity
  • What prevent ketoacidosis?
    sufficient carb intake
  • What foods are high in fiber?
    whole grains, fruits, veggies
  • Do most americans not intake enough fiber?
  • Do Americans intake to much sugar?
  • What is the DRI for added sugar?
  • What is the DRI for total sugar?
  • What are the two main hormones that maintain glucose levels?
    Insulin and glucagon
  • Does the liver regulate blood sugar glucose?
  • How much storage does the liver have?
    100 grams, 400 cal
  • How does muscle mass increase?
    high carbohydrate diet and exercise
  • What is diabetes?
    impaired glucose regulation
  • What is hyperglycemia?
    high glucose in blood
  • What does uncontrolled diabetes cause?
    nerve damage, kidney damage, blindness
  • Prevalence of diabetes type 1?
    accounts for 10% of
  • Does diabetes type 1 not produce enough insulin?
  • Is diabetes type 1 classified as an autoimmune disease?
  • When is diabetes type 1 diagnosed?
  • How is diabetes type 2 prevented?
    Healthy diet and life style choices
  • What is more effective than dieting?
  • How to prevent diabetes type 2?
    limit added sugar intak
  • How to prevent diabetes type 2?
    fiber ricg whole grains
  • How to prevent diabetes type 2?
    limited consumption of red meat
  • What is a carb?
    one of the three macronutrients
  • Are carbs an important source of energy for all cells?
  • What are sources of carbohydrates?
    fruits, veg, grains
  • What is the most abundant carb?
  • What is a disaccharide?
    lactose, maltose, sucrose
  • What are the monosaccharides?
    Glucose, fructose, and galactose
  • What are classified as simple sugars?
    sugars with one or two molecules
  • What is an oligosaccharide?
    carb with 3-10 monosaccharides